Translation glossary: Legal Glossary

Showing entries 1-50 of 34,004
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" Revaluation , reappraisal "%9'/) *BJJE 
English to Arabic
"Ability, aptitude ",/'1G 
English to Arabic
"Able, competent, qualified,entitled ""#GD (,/J1  E$GD  #GDJ) ) " 
English to Arabic
"Abolishing ,cancellation, supperession ""'D:'! (A3.  '(7'D)" 
English to Arabic
"Accessory Commercial Transactions According to the bill, all registries should be kept by the Depository and Book-keeping Company as indicated in the bill's Internal Statute"F5 E41H9 'DB'FHF 9DI 'D*2'E 41C) 'D%J/'9 H'DBJ/ 'DE1C2J (E3C 'D/A'*1 H'D3,D'* 'D*J *-//G' 'DD'&-) 'D*FAJ0J) 
English to Arabic
"Accomplishment, perfor mance , realization achievement "%F,'2 
English to Arabic
"According to , conformably to pursuant to ""-3( ( (-3(  CE' GH 'D-'D ) " 
English to Arabic
"Accuracy ,exactness"/B) 
English to Arabic
"Acknowledgment ,confession, avowal"'B1'1 ('9*1'A ) 
English to Arabic
"acquire, to"JNE*DPC 
English to Arabic
"acquire, to"JNE*DPC 
English to Arabic
"Acquittal , dismissal "*(1&) 
English to Arabic
"Acquittance , acquittal "*(1&) 0E) ( *3/J/ /JF ) 
English to Arabic
"adhere, to"JF6E 
English to Arabic
"adhere, to"JF6E 
English to Arabic
"Adjournment, postpoenment, putting off"*#,JD 
English to Arabic
"Adjustment, settlement "*3HJ) 
English to Arabic
"administer, to"JO/J1 (F8'E'K) 
English to Arabic
"administer, to"JO/J1 (F8'E'K 
English to Arabic
"Adversary , antagonist party ".5E ( EF'29 ) 
English to Arabic
"advertise, to"JO9DPF 
English to Arabic
"advertise, to"JO9DPF 
English to Arabic
"After  costs, fringe expenses (U.S)"FAB'* %6'AJ) 
English to Arabic
"Allowance , indemnity compensation "*9HJ6 ((/D 4J! ) 
English to Arabic
"Allowance, allocation , dole "",9'D) ( *9HJ6  (/D )" 
English to Arabic
"Allurement , seduction "':1'! 
English to Arabic
"Alphabetic, alphabetical"'(,/J : -3( 'D'(,/J) 
English to Arabic
"alter, to"JO:JQP1 
English to Arabic
"alter, to"JO:JQP1 
English to Arabic
"Ambiguity ,equivocal "'D*('3 (:EH6) 
English to Arabic
"amend, to"JO9/QPD 
English to Arabic
"amend, to"JO9/QPD 
English to Arabic
"Amendment , alteration, modification , reshuffle "*9/JD 
English to Arabic
"Amortization ,paying off ""'3*GD'C ( *3/J/  %7A'! )" 
English to Arabic
"Antagonism, litigation , dispute , conflict ".5HE) 
English to Arabic
"any activity dealing with custody, trading"F4'7 J*F'HD -A8 'D#H1'B 'DE'DJ) H 'D*9'ED 9DJG' 
English to Arabic
"Apparatus, set of tools,organs, machinery ",G'2 
English to Arabic
"apply, to"J7(QB 
English to Arabic
"apply, to"J7(QB 
English to Arabic
"Appointment ,nomination ""*H8JA ( *9JJF  *HDJG EH8A ) " 
English to Arabic
"Apportionment , distribution "*H2J9 
English to Arabic
"Appraisement , valuation "*.EJF 
English to Arabic
"Appropriation, destination, charging "*.5J5 ( *9JJF ) 
English to Arabic
"approval, with the"(EH'AB) 
English to Arabic
"approval, with the"(EH'AB) 
English to Arabic
"approve, to"JH'AB 
English to Arabic
"approve, to"JH'AB 
English to Arabic
"arrest, to"JB(6 9DI 
English to Arabic
"arrest, to"JB(6 9DI 
English to Arabic
"As per agreement, according to agreement "-3( 'D'*A'B 
English to Arabic
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