global directory of translation services
The translation workplace

Working hours


Describes a translator's normal working hours, including their availability outside of those hours.


"working_hours": {
    "self_link": "",
    "user": "",
    "workday_start": "09:00:00",
    "workday_end": "20:00:00",
    "opted_out": false,
    "available_off_hours": true,
    "available_weekends ": false


Working hours

self_link string
The API link for getting the resource via the API.
user string
An API link to the User summary for the user whose availability is described.
workday_start time The normal time of the start of the subject's workday, in ISO 8601 format. Ex. 09:00:00. The time is represented in the subject's local timezone.
workday_end time The normal time of the end of the subject's workday, in ISO 8601 format. Ex. 14:00:00. The time is represented in the subject's local timezone.
opted_out boolean Whether or not the subject has explicitly decided to not specify their working hours.
available_off_hours boolean Whether or not the subject is considered unavailable outside of normal working hours.
available_weekends boolean Whether or not the subject is considered unavailable on weekends.

Endpoints that use this resource