Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 16 fra>eng inventaire contradictoire uncontested inventory pro open no
4 Apr 7 eng>.cr to appear on behalf of da istupa u ime pro closed no
4 Apr 6 ...>eng Notirati to acknowledge the recommendations pro closed ok
- Feb 20 fra>eng déclaration de prise en charge d'avantages notification of benefits given in kind pro open no
- Feb 16 eng>fra All persons entitled to citation were properly cited. toutes les personnes ayant le droit d’être entendues ont été dûment convoquées pro just_closed ok
- Feb 11 eng>eng The court issued a brief order the court issued an order to involved party(ies) to submit additional brief(s) pro closed ok
- Jan 30 eng>... state of the art информације које су опште познате унутар струке pro closed ok
- Dec 2 '23 eng>.cr Due Process Zahtjev za preispistvanje odluke pro open no
4 Sep 26 '23 eng>fra level cible de performance de base pro closed no
4 Aug 25 '23 ...>eng Prijava (submitting) a creditor claim (in bankruptcy) pro closed ok
- Aug 3 '23 eng>fra fresh accrual of action renouvellement du droit au recours juridictionnel pro closed ok
4 Jul 8 '23 fra>eng poursuivre exécution Enforcement (of the judgement) is conducted at the creditor's risk. pro closed no
- Jun 21 '23 eng>fra warned list period [...] sera inclus dans la liste d'attente durant la période: du ... au ... pro open no
- May 28 '23 fra>eng Ce sera droit! That will be right! (/ acting according the law!) pro closed no
- May 26 '23 eng>... Section 9 statement писмена изјава из Главе 9 Закона О Кривичном Поступку (Criminal Justice Act 1967, UK) pro closed no
- May 7 '23 fra>eng faire contenant déclaration par le Bailleur request to pay or to fulfill another contractual obligation, including a notice ... pro closed no
- Apr 11 '23 fra>eng rapport entre X par Y the ratio between X and Y pro closed ok
- Apr 2 '23 fra>eng procédure judiciaire de carence legal action for negligence / negligence of duty pro closed no
- Mar 1 '23 eng>.cr Proof of evidence Izjava o dokazima pro closed ok
- Feb 24 '23 eng>fra without convenience à sa discrétion / à son gré pro closed no
- Feb 20 '23 fra>eng inopposabilité de la donation whether the gift can be declared void pro closed no
- Feb 17 '23 fra>eng donner le caractère d'authenticité to record in an authentic act pro closed no
4 Feb 5 '23 fra>eng mandataires à temps representatives on a time-limited basis pro closed no
- Jan 21 '23 eng>fra ask about drop-in times vous renseigner sur les heures d'accueil sans rendez-vous pro closed ok
- Dec 14 '22 fra>eng exemplaires destinés à l'envoi des justificatifs copy to be used as proof of delivery (as "proof of execution" of the contract) pro closed no
4 Dec 9 '22 fra>eng accomplir les mérites execute /satisfy the judge's decisions regarding the substantive points of the dispute pro closed no
- Dec 7 '22 fra>eng refacturé à l'euro l'euro invoiced as a pass-through cost pro closed ok
- Nov 6 '22 eng>eng as appropriate depending on which one is competent/relevant for the specific case pro closed no
- Oct 21 '22 fra>eng NOTAIRE INSTRUMENTAIRE instrumenting notary pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '22 fra>eng Garantie contre le risque d'éviction Warranty of quiet possession pro closed no
- Oct 12 '22 eng>fra less than legal evidence déclaration (document) dont la force probante serait insuffisante pour constituer une preuve légale pro closed no
4 Sep 14 '22 fra>eng ayant accepté à concurrence de l’actif heir ... having accepted (their inheritance) under benefit of inventory pro closed no
3 Aug 11 '22 eng>... Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller Glavni arhivar (Šef pisarnice) oblasnog suda i glavni revizor pro closed no
- Aug 3 '22 eng>fra CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION ON CHANGE OF NAME Attestation d'enregistrement suite au changement de dénomination sociale pro open no
4 Jul 26 '22 .cr>eng održavanje žiga u vrijednosti maintaining the protection (/the validity) of the trademark pro closed ok
- Jun 27 '22 eng>fra make up title to s'arroger le titre de propriété sur pro just_closed no
2 Jun 27 '22 eng>fra Intromissions (actes de) gestion des biens d'autrui (/ ingérences) pro closed no
- Jun 15 '22 fra>eng biens agréables pour le confort de l’existence consumer goods ... that merely contribute to having a comfortable life pro closed no
- Jun 4 '22 fra>eng organisme de droit commun body governed by general law pro closed no
- Jun 15 '22 fra>eng revenus d'agrément revenues from capital other than the agreed ones pro closed ok
- Jun 4 '22 fra>eng organisme de droit commun body under lex generalis // general law body // body open to the general population pro closed no
- May 26 '22 fra>eng indemnité de réduction compensation for reduced (/missing) (part of) inheritance pro closed ok
4 May 27 '22 ...>eng glasiti na ime are registered to the owner pro closed ok
4 May 23 '22 ...>eng Neprijavljivanje failure to declare employees / employing undeclared workers pro closed ok
- May 21 '22 ...>eng Preduzetnička radnja shops in private ownership / privately owned shops pro closed ok
4 May 21 '22 ...>eng Zavrteti spin the money (through various banks) pro closed ok
4 May 13 '22 fra>eng pour l'Inde for use in India / for use in the Republic of India pro closed no
- May 9 '22 fra>eng commission direct incitement to commit [] pro closed ok
4 May 5 '22 eng>... identity fraction стопа подударања pro closed ok
- May 3 '22 eng>fra holdings les motifs invoqués dans [...] pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered