Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 26 '19 ara>eng يا لعطف أوربا إن كانت سترعي مثل هذه الفتاة مع فرخاها الأليفان Let alone- European sympathy with care for such a girl with pet chicks pro closed ok
3 Feb 26 '19 ara>eng :(أن انفصالنا عن إريتريا كان اقسي من شق طريق جبلي ولكنه أصبح أمراً واقعا) our separation from Eritrean perimeters is much harder than carving out a mountain pathway, however pro closed no
- Feb 17 '19 ara>eng تمهيدا لمحاكمته detained to be brought fro trial pro closed ok
- Feb 17 '19 ara>eng الدعوى التي لم يكن رفعها صحيحا the case not filed properly pro closed no
4 Feb 17 '19 ara>eng إذا هلك المبيع in case of amortized purchase pro closed no
- Feb 17 '19 ara>eng ذا تحققت الواقعة المستقبلة يعتبر التصرف قائما مستقبلا In the event of future incident ,respectively the action shall be existent in the future pro closed no
- Feb 15 '19 ara>eng فتح تركة to open levied assets of estate pro closed ok
- Feb 14 '19 ara>eng القضية المتكونة بينه وبين the lawful case drafted between him and pro closed no
- Feb 11 '19 ara>eng تم عقد تصادق كل من a marriage attestation contract between pro closed no
- Feb 14 '19 ara>eng علاوات طبيعة العمل labor-based bonus pro closed ok
- Feb 3 '19 ara>eng مدلولات ما روي بالمعنى connotations of what is beyond the essence of meaning pro closed no
- May 21 '17 ara>eng المبعوث رحمة للعالمين Messenger as a mercy to all mankind pro closed ok
- May 21 '17 ara>eng الامثال القرانية Quraanic admonitions pro closed ok
- May 21 '17 ara>eng منزلة ومكانة سامية transcendental status pro closed ok
4 May 23 '17 ara>eng تجليد الأبواب lining the doors pro closed no
- May 8 '17 ara>eng يمشي في حاجة أخيه his brotherly needs are all his interest pro just_closed no
- May 10 '17 ara>eng المشروع البارومتري Barometric Module pro closed no
- May 10 '17 ara>eng بعثة Sacred mission for the Seal Apostle pro closed no
- May 4 '17 ara>eng وجه فيه الخطاب addressing the *** therein pro closed ok
- May 6 '17 ara>eng الصبر والسلوان patience and condolence pro closed ok
- Feb 28 '17 ara>eng رفض محاسبة المعتدي hold the perpetrator out of accountability pro closed no
- Feb 28 '17 ara>eng حضور قاصرين presence of reminders pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '17 ara>eng في صور وسطور pictorially and lierally pro closed ok
- Feb 22 '17 ara>eng لا يتناسب مع doesn't conform to his pay pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '17 ara>eng وصل مرحلة الدنو subdue to his animalistic eros pro closed no
4 Feb 24 '17 ara>eng عدم تجزئة indivisible debtedness pro closed no
- Feb 24 '17 ara>eng الترك abstension pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '17 ara>eng الولد هيبقى فل الفل back in shape pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '17 ara>eng ومسائكم فل nighty night pro closed no
- Feb 5 '17 ara>eng مشروع التنفيس way outs pro just_closed no
- Feb 4 '17 ara>eng سداحا مداحا on the loose pro closed ok
- Feb 2 '17 ara>eng خبير جنائي felony detective pro just_closed no
- Feb 1 '17 ara>eng ظفيرة أسلاك plaited winding of wires pro just_closed no
- Jan 26 '17 ara>eng مجموع التقاص subtractions pro closed ok
- Jan 25 '17 ara>eng الامتداد الدرجة الثالثة third quarter pro closed no
4 Jan 21 '17 ara>eng تسييل leakage/permeability pro closed no
- Jan 20 '17 ara>eng نهر الطريق passage vehicle lane pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '17 ara>eng المنفلة من قبل الدولة entrusted by the state pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '17 ara>eng إلقاء العظة او الحكم عليه admonishing and judging sbd pro closed no
- Jan 19 '17 ara>eng مجلس وزاري مضيق minute ministerial cabinet pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '17 ara>eng من خلاله بتقييم ذاتي تفاعلي by which the trainee undertakes interactive self-assesment pro closed ok
4 Jan 18 '17 ara>eng ووضعها فى صورة أهداف in form of targeted ends pro closed no
- Jan 18 '17 ara>eng المحاسبة keeping the child in account pro closed no
- Jan 18 '17 ara>eng يقف على رجليه stand firmly on the ground pro closed no
- Jan 18 '17 ara>eng نتأثر من أجلهم deeply touched for their sake pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '17 ara>eng السكون عند الناس احساس the more someone keeps silent, the more sensible he becomes pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '17 ara>eng حيثيات Whereases pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '17 ara>eng أين اليراعُ وأين مـــــــــــــــــنه بنانه؟ Let alone the ink pen and its printed stroke pro closed no
- Jan 15 '17 ara>eng خطاب موجه للإستقدام Recruitment call-out letter pro closed ok
- Jan 11 '17 ara>eng صناعة الجلاد Executioner pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered