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MadCap Lingo

5 out of 5
Out of 2 user reviews.

MadCap Lingo is a translation management solution designed to assist technical writers, documentation specialists and professional translators in the translation and localization process.
Improve translation efficiency with a streamlined workflow using built-in Translation Memory technology (TMX support), detailed reporting capabilities, and advanced translation features such as alignment, termbases and more.
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Software details

Price$599.00 US
File formatsMicrosoft® Word™ documents (no local install required) PowerPoint files Adobe® InDesign® XLIFF files HTM and HTML ResX files and much more!
License typeAvailable as perpetual or time limited
System requirements
Operating systemWindows
System requirementsIntel Pentium 4 or better processor 4096 MB memory (RAM) 400 MB available hard drive space Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 -
CompatibilitySupports standard file formats XLIFF, DITA, HTML, TMX, and TBX. Also all MadCap filetypes, SDLXLIFF, TTX, TXML, .resx, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .fm, .book, .mif, idml, .dita, .htm, .rtf, .txt.
Support & upgrades
Support and upgrades offered/includedFree updates, but not upgrades, Free community support, Installation support
Support and tutorial linksProduct Overview
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No data
Languages supportedLeft to Right and Right to Left

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5 out of 5
How easy is it to learn?

Great tool, would recommend to all my colleagues, must have for Flare translation
Review by 
Peter Argondizzo . Lingo is a must have tool for the proper translation of MadCap Flare resources. Lingo packages content from any of the programs in the MadPak Suite into a Lingo project which can be exported into XLIFF files so you can translate the files in the CAT tool of your choice. Then you simply import the XLIFF back into Lingo and you can export back to Flare.

Lingo makes the process go very smoothly. Updates and project alignment are also handled very efficiently.
1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

5 out of 5
How easy is it to learn?

Lingo is a winner on all levels – Highly Recommended!
Review by 
Ken Nagy . MadCap Software continues to be ahead of the curve when it comes to complex content authoring. Another shining example is Lingo.

If you are using MadCap and plan on translating your outputs then MadCap Lingo is a must. Lingo imports Flare projects and then in a clear interface displays all of the translation candidate files, (and even the number of segments in each), and allows you to select them and bundle them to send to a translator to for translation. The translator can either use Lingo directly to translate the files or the files can be translated with another CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tool of choice. Once the files are translated, the files can then be zipped and easily imported back into Lingo for the project to be updated, then exported back into Flare to generate the final translated output. During the entire process Lingo keeps track of the status of each translation candidate and helps track the progress of the project. Lingo supports its own Translation Memories and Termbases and also supports TMX (Translation Memory eXchange format) and TBX (TermBase eXchange format) so you can import and export existing TM’s and Termbases.

The bottom line is that if you are translating MadCap Flare, Mimic, or Capture files Lingo makes the process much more efficient. I would highly recommend it.