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New Service Pack for MindReader authoring memory system

The STAR Group has released a Service Pack for its MindReader authoring memory system. MindReader helps authors to produce consistent documents in Microsoft Word, Adobe FrameMaker and PTC Arbortext Editor. One of the new features included in this Service Pack is a search function for disallowed terms, which the user can interactively replace with correct terminology from the TermStar dictionary. There are also numerous improvements in the area of usability which have been introduced in response to suggestions and requests from users.

About MindReader

MindReader is an authoring memory system that helps authors to efficiently create consistent documents and text and re-use existing formulations. Documents in a variety of formats can be imported as the basis, or alternatively, reference material from the TransitNXT translation memory system or TMX files created on other systems can be used. An integral component of MindReader is the TermstarNXT terminology management system, which helps ensure the use of correct terminology.

About STAR

STAR offers customer solutions for your global information management needs with tools and services in the areas of translation, technical documentation, electronic publication, information management, e-learning and workflow automation. With over 28 years of experience, STAR lets you make the most of your information whenever you need it, in any medium or technology, in any language, anytime, anywhere. 


For questions, please contact: Kerstin Pfeil, e-mail: [email protected]
STAR AG, Wiesholz 35, CH-8262 Ramsen, Switzerland,
Tel. +41 52 742 9200, Fax +41 52 742 92 92, Website:

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