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Croatian to English Education / Pedagogy Translation Glossary

Croatian term English translation
(ime), s.r. (skraćenje) by my hand; authentic signature
Škola za obrazovanje i odgoj učenika i polaznika mašinske i saobraćajne struke School of mechanical and traffic engineering
Diplomirao s izvrsnim uspjehom (graduated ili sl.) with excellent academic record
diplomski graduate
dodiplomski studij undergraduate study
dopunska isprava o studiju Certificate (or Diploma) Supplement
DPUSRH Detaljni plan uređenja Socijalističke republike Hrvatske
držati vježbe TA/to hold practical exercises
hospitirati to attend at demonstration classes
Entered by: Natasa Stankovic
idem na trening go to (handball) practice
indeks student logbook
izborna nastava optional (BE) /elective subjects (AE)/courses
izborni predmet elective (course)
izvedbeni plan nastave syllabus
KAJ KAJ časopis
Klasična gimnazija Classical High School
krnast (krnasta), krnj incomplete
matične i područne škole district and catchment area schools
maturaini rad Thesis work
modul Module
modularnim nastavnim planovima modular curriculum
mr. sci. M.Sc
nacrtna geometrija descriptive geometry
narucitelj ugovora i izvrsitelj ugovora Sponsor & Investigator (Institution)
nositelj / sunositelj proponent/co-proponent
nositelj predmeta course director
obrana diplomskog rada thesis defense
obrana diplomskog rada defence of a thesis / thesis defence
obrana i zaštita national / civil defense
obveze su mu mirovale abeyance
odgojište infant school, kindergarten
odgojno – obrazovni proces education and upbringing process
Entered by: A.Đapo
ogledi tests, experiments
opća gimnazija general grammar school/high school
OTP i OPP Basics of technical production and basics of agricultural production
palirstvo (palir) construction/civil/building foreman
pjestovalište foundling hospital
podrucna skola branch school
pogonske i radne mašine power and operating machines
pokitar fringe/tassel maker
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