Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 74 results
Glossaire des services financiers numériques
Ce rapport a été rédigé par Carol Benson et Nils Clotteau avec la contribution de Cecily Northup, Trevor Zimmer et Yuri Grin. Il a été révisé par le groupe de travail sur l’écosystème des services financiers numériques. |
Publié par l’Union postale universelle (UPU) Berne (Suisse) Ce glossaire est une compilation de termes couramment utilisés dans le domaine des services financiers numériques et donne une explication de la signification de ces termes. Les termes sont regroupés par catégorie, et non par ordre alphabétique. Il existe 7 catégories principales, comme... View more
Este breve glosario se consolidó luego de varios proyectos relacionados con listados de Aliexpress. La mayoría de los términos están relacionados con artículos de belleza tales como maquillajes, sombras, brillantinas, uñas y pestañas postizas, y cosmética en general. Adicionalmente, hay términos para diversos tipos de prendas de ropa para invie... View more
Vietnamese Law terms
Thien Thu Thi Vu |
Chuyên từ Luật khoa
Boxing terminology
Kseniya Tokareva |
By now this is a little glossary which contains boxing terminology EN>RU. The idea is to aplify it and add Spanish terminology as well. I hope it will result useful.
Fuerzas Termomecámicas
Alvaro Galván |
Glosario utilizado para la traducción del libro "Configurational_Forces__Thermomechanics__Physics__Mathematics__and_Numerics"
siglaire - sigles utiles aux personnels |
Choix de sigles utiles aux personnels en poste dans un établissement scolaire ou culturel français à l'étranger ou en coopération internationale pour leurs fonctions à l'étranger ou leur retour en France
Slovník dobových výrazů
Česká televize |
Toto je zárodek slovníku dobových výrazů používaných mládeží a omladinou v sedmdesátých letech minulého století. Obsahuje jak dobově typické hovorové výrazy, tak i některé zásadní a hojně používané vulgarizmy. Slovník je doplněn i o některá slova či zkratky z dob normalizačního socializmu, která dnešní mládeži už nic neříkají. Slovník je neúplný... View more
dizionari online / online dictionary |
Un dizionario online a prima vista davvero completo. Lo ha realizzato Google e lo ha messo in linea senza avvertire nessuno, come ormai fanno d’abitudine quelli dell’azienda di Mountain View. Tanto, qualcuno, prima o poi, lo nota (o forse, qualcuno dalla grande G, lo rivela informalmente). In questo caso, e’ stato il Los Angeles Times a scoprire la... View more
Dictionar explicativ de termeni postali |
termeni postali
dicţionar englez - român de termeni specifici din cinematografie şi televiziune de la pre-producţie la post producţie şi marketing
Curiosity Media 2008 |
Founded in 1999, SpanishDict is a leading online Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and language learning website. A family-run operation, SpanishDict aims to provide the highest quality Spanish educational materials available anywhere. Our site seeks not only to develop rock-solid resources for learning Spanish, we also hope to cultivate a f... View more
Glossário de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos
Começou por ser desenvolvido em 1996, aquando da tradução do Dicionário de Filosofia, de Simon Blackburn. Posteriormente, foi articulado com a Enciclopédia de Termos Lógico-Filosóficos. Tem crescido desde então com as sugestões de tradutores, est |
Glossário de termos relacionados à Filosofia.
Philatelic and postal related terms and glossaries.
Velký lékařský slovník
Maxdorf nakladatelství |
Velký lékařský slovník je výkladový slovník určený především lékařům a farmaceutům, dále odborným pracovníkům působícím ve zdravotnictví a v biomedicínském výzkumu a konečně i studentům medicíny a farmacie. Hledání v elektronické verzi: kromě přímého vyhledávání podle abecedy je možné i hledání v tematických skupinách hesel z různých oblastí med... View more
English-Russian idioms
Natalya Belinsky |
English-Russian idioms, expressions, phrases, meaningful postpositions etc.
Kitchen Glossary
Kitchens / Scavolini |
Glossary on kitchen utensils, tools, machines, furniture and all the materials used therein.
Italian monolingual version:
Glossario termini cucina (arredamento)
Kitchens / Scavolini |
Glossario di termini riferiti alla cucina (intesa come arredamento e non come cibo)
English monolingual version:
English-mono glossary of terms used in tribology.
German-mono version is at:
Glossar mit Fachbegriffen aus der Tribologie in deutscher Sprache.
Englische Version ist unter:
The French postal service's French-English and English-French glossary of postal terms.
Dizionario Alpinistico
Federico Battaglin |
E' da anni che in qualunque struttura rocciosa e ghiacciata, la presenza di stranieri non è indifferente, e anche noi italiani spesso e volentieri ci spostiamo all'estero per conoscere nuove montagne e pareti. Nasce così il problema della lingua: come farsi capire per chiedere e/o fornire informazioni. In commercio esistono i classici vocabolariet... View more
Glossary of Italian to Spanish maritime etymology.
Date: terms dated circa 1847
Transcribed from the work of:
D. Timoteo O-Scanlan: Cartilla practica de construccion naval, dispuesta en forma de vocabulario, con algunos apéndices, y las nomenclaturas francesa, inglesa é italiana, con su correspondencia en castellano; para uso de... View more
Glossary of English to Spanish maritime etymology.
Date: terms dated circa 1847
Transcribed from the work of:<
D. Timoteo O-Scanlan: Cartilla practica de construccion naval, dispuesta en forma de vocabulario, con algunos apéndices, y las nomenclaturas francesa, inglesa é italiana, con su correspondencia en castellano; para uso d... View more
Glossary of French to Spanish maritime etymology.
Date: terms dated circa 1847
Transcribed from the work of:
D. Timoteo O-Scanlan: Cartilla practica de construccion naval, dispuesta en forma de vocabulario, con algunos apéndices, y las nomenclaturas francesa, inglesa é italiana, con su correspondencia en castellano; para uso de ... View more
Postal Services > Glossary of Terms
Missouri State University |
Monolingual English/English glossary of Postal Services terms.
TERMPOST Universal Postal Union's official terminology database
Universal Postal Union |
TERMPOST is the Universal Postal Union's official terminology database.
It contains data in five languages: English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish. Definitions are currently provided in English and French only.
TERMPOST contains a selection of postal terms and expressions drawn from the UPU Acts and publications. It also in... View more
Travel Industry Dictionary
The Intrepid Traveler |
Like every industry, the travel business has its own special jargon. That can make it easy for people in the industry to communicate, but for newcomers or outsiders the special terms, abbreviations, acronyms, slang, and nicknames can be confusing and intimidating.
The Intrepid Traveler is proud to present what we believe to be the most e... View more
Glossary of Stamp Collecting Terms
AskPhil - Collectors Club of Chicago |
With more than 30,000 listings, we believe the AskPhil Glossary to be the largest of its type anywhere ... whether on line or in print.
With visitors from more than 150 countries, AskPhil has the benefit of perhaps the broadest range of stamp collectors view our reference of any reference provider.
Albeit being a monolingual source, the g... View more
Indonesian Acronym Glossary
The Jakarta Post |
A list of acronyms for Indonesian institutions (ministries, organizations, associations NGO's, etc.), and their meanings in English.
William Faulkner Glossary
John Padgett / William Faulkner on the Web |
This glossary is a compilation of people, places, and other terms present in the written work of William Faulkner. Sources for the information presented here are the works themselves and several secondary sources (listed on the main glossary page). At present, terms are indexed for works published during Faulkner’s lifetime; indexing for posthumous... View more
Please visit this GlossPost link for Part 1:
Please visit this GlossPost link for Part 2:
Las recetas de Jehoszua!
Comida judía, repostería, delicias varias y un Diccionario Gastronómico Bilingüe Inglés-Español
Escriba una palabra en el cuadro para texto y pulse Buscar. Para ver una lista de palabras, seleccione una letra o escriba la(s) primera(s) letra(s).
Buen recurso del American College of Radiology y Radiological Society of North America - enriquecido con reticulaciones e imágenes.
Versión inglesa: View more
Enter a term in the text box and press Find.
For a list of terms, select a letter or enter starting letter(s).
Good resource by the American College of Radiology and the Radiological Society of North America - enriched with cross-links, images, and pronounciation guide.
Spanish monolingual version at View more
Glossary of advertising posters, billboards etc
Degesta City Light Systems |
Monolingual German glossary of advertising board types and related terms.
Sito dell'Accademia della Crusca (la lingua in rete)
Accademia della Crusca |
Da questa pagina è possibile accedere a sei sottosezioni dedicate a fornire consulenza linguistica di diverso tipo. Consulenza linguistica è dedicata a fornire risposte ai quesiti linguistici posti dagli utenti. L'Articolo propone periodicamente un articolo specialistico su argomenti linguistici, mentre Parole nuove si prefigge di essere una sorta ... View more