Translation glossary: Politics & Government

Showing entries 1-50 of 100
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a short warning conventional attackataque convencional con poco aviso previo 
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actuación comunitaria en materia decommunity action in terms of (the environment) 
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adequate and credible conventional forcesfuerzas convencionales adecuadas y (bien) entrenadas/dignas de confianza 
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altos mandos de policiahigh-ranking police/law enforcement officials 
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anclada nuestra memoriaour (collective) memory had remained firmly grounded 
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are structured on a parish by parish basisse organizan en torno a las parroquias 
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Asistente Fiscal Penal and Auxiliar FiscalAssistant (Criminal) District and Second (Criminal) District Attorney 
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asociacionismo judicialfreedom of association of judges/the judiciary 
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Beltwaydonde los políticos más poderosos/con más poder (de Washington D.C.) 
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campaign financingfinanciamiento / financiación de campañas 
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Canada Revenue AgencyAgencia Tributaria de Canadá 
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capstone conceptConcepto Capstone 
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cargo securityseguridad de mercancias / seguridad en (las) mercancias (en tránsito)/ control de cargamento 
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Chief Immigration OfficerDirector (General) de Migración 
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chief sanitary officerjefe de sanidad 
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comisariochief / police chief 
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Comissão de Conciliação PréviaDispute Resolution Committee 
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committed revenuesingresos asignados 
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concursado(that/who) have passed the civil service examination 
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conducting Prop 218 hearingrealización de audiencias en torno a la consulta popular (número) 218 
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Congressional Fellowship Programprograma de becas de investigación del Congreso 
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constabularypolicia regional 
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Constancia de no accidentes/incidentesCertificate of no record of accidents/incidents 
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Consulares Nacionalesconsular officials 
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convenios provincialesprovincial agreements/accords 
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Corte de CuentasGeneral Accounting Office/Government Accountability Office 
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Dívida Pública Federal (DPF)deuda pública nacional 
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Defence Select Committeecomité especial para asuntos de defensa 
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Dirección de Asistencia y Atención al UsuarioDepartment of Customer Service / National Customer Service Center 
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Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina MercanteOffice of Maritime Affairs/Merchant Marines 
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dirigido a referenciar a la Argentina como perteneciente aldesigned to portray Argentina as belonging to the First-World 
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División de DespachoAdministrative Division 
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División ValoresSecurities Division 
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divulgador provincialregional spokesperson 
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domestic security needsnecesidades en cuanto a la seguridad nacional 
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education provisionsdisposiciones educativas 
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el gigante de siemprethe towering figure he has always been/the grand old man 
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El presente se disputa en esta transiciónThe present embodies contested (political) territory in this transition/transitional period 
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en función antisoviéticaconsistent with its anti-Soviet position 
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en mermelada / enmermelado (Colombian slang)knee-deep in pork pay off/graft/crony capitalism 
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Faltas ReglamentariasRegulatory Violations/Infractions 
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funcionarios concursadoshired through competitive examination / elected officials 
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gestión política técnicatechnical aspects of policy management 
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government professionalprofesional del sector público 
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Hacienda Real de RentasInternal Revenue Service 
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had an annual re-examination taken placede haberse realizado una reevaluación anual 
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HouseCámara de Representantes 
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if anythingal contrario 
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