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Language: Maltese Clear filters

Displaying 1 subtitler in this pool

Josephine C.
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Josephine C.

Accurate and engaging

Rate per min. €8.00 EUR
  • English (British, UK) Maltese
  • Italian English (UK)
  • French (Standard-France) English (UK)
  • Italian Maltese
  • French Maltese
Native in:
  • English
  • Maltese

  • Checking/editing/QC
  • Time coding
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Subtitle Edit
Your subtitler to convey your message for the Maltese audience, from texts to educate or inform to series, commercials or adverts which I deliver in srt or Webvtt formats. I adapt according to audience and culture or topic. I like using Subtitle Edit as it is easy, user-friendly and I can generate waveforms which help me greatly to set the start and end time codes easily and exactly. I translate, edit, time code and quality check. It definitely allows me to use my creativity