Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators


one for all and all for one
United States

We are a team of translators and interpreters committed to perfection and success. We all have our area of specialty but can work together when appropriate. In the team there is a French (me), two Americans (Luis and Jose), and one Bulgarian (Ilko).
Team language pairs 7
  • English to Bulgarian
  • English to French
  • French to English
  • Spanish to English
Team leader
Genevieve Tournebize
Genevieve Tournebize
Fast & Accurate
I am a native from France where I spent all my youth, and went to school. My degree was in Computer Science. I moved the the USA in 1971, lived 3 years in Puerto Rico and the rest in Louisiana. During this time I acquired my degree Master in Romance Languages: Spanish and French. I have all the course work for a PH.D in French Linguistics. My fields of preference are Science and Technology and all areas of Liberal Arts.
Team members 1

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