Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 8 '14 eng>deu Mobile Security You Can Bank On Mobile Sicherheit, Ihre sichere Bank. pro closed no
- Sep 23 '08 deu>eng Angebot in line with the contractor's offer pro closed ok
2 Jun 28 '07 deu>eng DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt German Aerospace Center (DLR pro closed ok
- Mar 17 '06 eng>deu treble-winning year siehe unten pro closed no
4 Mar 16 '06 eng>deu hier: offset Der anfängliche Erfolg wurde durch die hohen Verlüste zunichte gemacht pro closed no
- Feb 28 '06 deu>eng BVW (betriebliches Vorschlagswesen) Company or employee suggestion system pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '06 deu>eng innenpolitisches Fakt a 'completely legitimate' domestic policy tool/device pro closed no
- Jan 24 '06 eng>deu the beautiful game die wunderschöne Welt des Fußballs pro closed ok
- Oct 27 '05 deu>eng Rdz Randziffer, Randzeichen (margin note) pro closed ok
- Sep 29 '05 eng>deu data volume Daten pro closed ok
- Sep 27 '05 deu>eng Fremdlieferung third party delivery pro closed ok
4 Sep 27 '05 deu>eng Ablauf Sequence pro closed ok
- Sep 26 '05 eng>deu notes to the financial statement Anhang pro closed no
- Jun 8 '05 deu>eng Frischebox Cool box pro closed no
- Feb 28 '05 deu>eng Kassettenfront sub drawer front pro closed ok
4 Feb 27 '05 eng>deu temporary employees and (temporary) hired personnel Teilzeitbeschäftigte und Leiharbeiter mit befristeten Verträgen pro closed ok
- Feb 22 '05 deu>eng Schönfärberei excessively optimistic view of things pro closed no
- Feb 22 '05 deu>eng businessrelevante Zusammenhänge enables employees to recognise how their work relates to the business as a whole pro closed ok
- Feb 22 '05 deu>eng macht die Runde become a widely used/(vogue) term pro closed ok
- Jan 21 '05 deu>eng zugesicherte Eigenschaften warranteed characteristics or guaranteed qualities pro just_closed no
- Jan 21 '05 deu>eng Kunstguß synthetically casted / synthetically moulded pro closed ok
- Jan 21 '05 deu>eng bedrohlich gefallen dropped to an alarming extent pro closed no
4 Jan 21 '05 deu>eng Help understanding the second sentence- the term Schere? vast gulf /gulf pro closed no
- Jan 21 '05 deu>eng den Puls zu fuehlen analyse the behaviour pro closed no
- Aug 11 '04 deu>eng Schriftformbestimmung written form requirement/legal requirement of writing pro closed no
- Apr 27 '04 deu>eng Hematokrit haematocrit pro closed ok
- Dec 9 '03 eng>deu a plague on both your houses die Pest über Eure beiden Häuser pro closed ok
- Nov 12 '03 deu>eng ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung (etc.) in difficult-to-interpret sentence I would go for the first one pro closed no
- Oct 24 '03 eng>deu she felt the knife in her hand, which made her feel much safer sie spürte das Messer in ihrer Hand - dadurch fühlte sie sich viel sicherer easy closed no
- Oct 6 '03 deu>eng sächselten you can just imagine how they would discuss things in their broad Saxonian dialects pro closed no
- Sep 26 '03 deu>eng lösungsorientiert in a focused manner pro closed ok
- Sep 21 '03 deu>eng zur Erstellung des Angebots are only required to draft/produce an offer pro closed ok
- Sep 21 '03 deu>eng Pseudarthroserate false joint rate pro closed no
4 Sep 19 '03 deu>eng Evidenzsaldo evidence balance of account pro closed ok
- Sep 19 '03 deu>eng rational approached the project in a cool, rational manner pro closed ok
1 Sep 19 '03 deu>eng Unterschriftenregelung ruling with respect to signatures pro closed ok
- Sep 19 '03 deu>eng Verhärtung hardening of positions on both sides pro closed no
- Sep 18 '03 deu>eng Mensch, hab' ich einen Kohldampf! My word I could eat a dolphin on toast. pro closed ok
- Jul 8 '03 deu>eng Elfmeterschiessen on penalties pro closed ok
- Mar 18 '03 eng>deu assistance and aid Beihilfen easy closed ok
- Mar 18 '03 eng>deu Council of Economic Advisers Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) Das "amerikanische Pendant" zum deutschen Sachverständigenrat pro closed no
- Mar 18 '03 deu>eng aktivierte eigenleistungen internally produced and capitalised assets pro closed ok
- Mar 18 '03 deu>eng UK ask the client what it stands for!! pro closed ok
- Feb 21 '03 eng>deu I love you very much! ich habe Dich so wahnsinnig lieb easy closed no
- Feb 21 '03 deu>eng von nichts kommt nichts you only get out what you put in to it pro closed ok
- Feb 6 '03 deu>eng Kapitalwiedergewinnung capital recovery pro closed no
- Jan 30 '03 deu>eng Sachverständigenrat Council of experts pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '03 deu>eng selbständige Arbeitsweise I am able to work in an autonomous manner easy closed ok
3 Nov 25 '02 deu>eng verhalten-optimistische cautiously optimistic scenario pro closed ok
- Nov 25 '02 deu>eng dann wird es ernst mit dem Klimaschutz The issue of climate protection will only be seriously addressed once Russia signs the Kyoto protoco pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered