Medical translation memories for sale ENG-CZE

פרטי ההודעה
הצעה - זכרון תרגומים
מאת: Martin Vavřina
תאריך פרסום:Jul 7, 2017
מיקום: Brno
תיאור:I am ending my bussiness as medical freelance after 13 years of work and I offer my TMs created until now in Trados 2007 and Studio 2014.
TMs are from translations of medical devices (surgery, cardio, imaging...), medical software, pharma and many more from almost all "market leaders" after all those years. Includes several hundreds of thousands of TUs.
I regret to simply put them in the recycle bin :) and I don't want to make a fortune on it, but it is 13 years of everyday work.

Anyone interested?
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