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83 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Eleonora Imazio
Eleonora Imazio
Native in איטלקית Native in איטלקית
English, French, Spanish, Italian, inglese, francese, spagnolo, italiano, français, anglais, ...
Eleonora Bernucci
Eleonora Bernucci
Native in איטלקית Native in איטלקית
French, English, Italian, Interpreter, Translator, Simultaneous, Agriculture, EU affairs, EU, Environment, ...
Debora Blake
Debora Blake
Native in אנגלית Native in אנגלית, צרפתית (Variant: Standard-France) Native in צרפתית
voice-over, voix-off, locutora, doppiaggio, pubblicità, propaganda, advertising, publicité, multimedia, correction, ...
Karen Riggio
Karen Riggio
Native in צרפתית (Variant: Standard-France) Native in צרפתית
translation, translation services, english to french translation, english to french translator, english to french freelance translator, italian to french translation, italian to french translator, italian to french freelance translator, editing, proofreading, ...
Nevia Ferrara
Nevia Ferrara
Native in איטלקית (Variant: Neapolitan) Native in איטלקית
english, tourism, spanish, french, gastronomy, legal, technology
Claudia Catena
Claudia Catena
Native in איטלקית (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in איטלקית
Interpreting (simultaneous, consecutive, whispered), translation, Project Management, Localization, Conference interpreter, simultaneous interpreter, consecutive interpreter, whispered interpreting, ...
Anna-Maria Alonzo
Anna-Maria Alonzo
Native in איטלקית (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in איטלקית, צרפתית (Variants: Belgian, Standard-France) Native in צרפתית
French<> English, English<>talian, Italian<>French, EU documents, annual reports, contracts, Conference Interpreter, translator, banking, financial, ...
anja monette metzeler
anja monette metzeler
Native in צרפתית (Variants: Swiss, Standard-France) Native in צרפתית, גרמנית (Variants: Swiss, Germany) Native in גרמנית
Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera, traduction, interprète, sous-titrage, rédaction, réviseur, vérification orthographe et style Übersetzung, Dolmetschen, ...
Silvia Mendez
Silvia Mendez
Native in צרפתית Native in צרפתית, ספרדית Native in ספרדית
european union, trade unions, agriculture, food, development, human rights, NGOs, World Bank, FAO, IFAD, ...
Andrea D'Ambra
Andrea D'Ambra
Native in צרפתית (Variants: Cameroon, Belgian, African, Haitian, Swiss, Standard-France, Moroccan, Canadian, Luxembourgish) Native in צרפתית, איטלקית (Variants: Piedmontese, Sardinian, Standard-Italy, Tuscan / Toscano, Neapolitan, Roman / Romanesco, Swiss , Florentine, Milanese, Pugliese / Salentino, Sicilian, Genoese) Native in איטלקית
italian, french, translator, interpreter, strasbourg, france, italy, rome, milan, paris, ...
Daniela Nisi
Daniela Nisi
Native in איטלקית Native in איטלקית, צרפתית Native in צרפתית
french, lithuanian, estonian, latvian, english, translation, localization, spanish, translation
Myrtille Montaud
Myrtille Montaud
Native in צרפתית Native in צרפתית
marketing, watches, jewels, history, management, economics, business, english, italian, french, ...
Marco Bonello
Marco Bonello
Native in איטלקית (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in איטלקית
Interpreting, Training Courses, Erection Sites
Benedetta De Rose
Benedetta De Rose
Native in איטלקית (Variant: Standard-Italy) Native in איטלקית
traduzione, traduttore, traduttori, francese, spagnolo, rumeno, traduction, traducteur, traducteurs, français, ...
vera panno
vera panno
Native in איטלקית Native in איטלקית
conference interpreter, translator, human rights, medicine, economics, international organizations, French, Italian, English, interprete, ...
Julie Diderotto
Julie Diderotto
Native in צרפתית Native in צרפתית
english, french, italian, translation, proofreading, post-editing, interpreter, computers, ecommerce, website, ...
Mehdi Achour-Bouakkaz
Mehdi Achour-Bouakkaz
Native in ערבית (Variants: Palestinian, Lebanese, Iraqi, Tunisian, Algerian, Saudi , Libyan, Jordanian, Standard-Arabian (MSA), Yemeni, Syrian, Moroccan, Kuwaiti, Egyptian, UAE) Native in ערבית, צרפתית (Variants: Belgian, African, Luxembourgish, Standard-France, Swiss, Moroccan) Native in צרפתית
Interprete arabo, simultanea arabo, consecutiva arabo, trattativa, mediatore culturale arabo, Save the Children, chuchotage, ombudsman, IIJ, GCTF, ...
Native in איטלקית Native in איטלקית, צרפתית Native in צרפתית
mechanical, engineering, tourism, marketing, translator, interpreter, finance, law, legal, patents, ...
Patricia Morin
Patricia Morin
Native in צרפתית Native in צרפתית
קוסמטיקה, יופי, Safety, כללי / שיחה / ברכות / מכתבים, תעודות, דיפלומות, רשיונות, קו"ח, ...
Cristina Mazza Piccolo
Cristina Mazza Piccolo
Native in איטלקית Native in איטלקית
חינוך / הוראה, אסטרונומיה & החלל החיצון, אדריכלות, תעודות, דיפלומות, רשיונות, קו"ח, ...

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מאיטלקית לצרפתית interpreters specializing in:

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.