Translation glossary: Linguistic / Phrases

Showing entries 1-11 of 11
amigos fuera de ellosfriends off the court/track/field 
Spanish to English
apuntarse todos los tantosto become a hit / blockbuster 
Spanish to English
homogeneidadhomogeneity, consistency 
Spanish to English
la sorna cañígypsy irony/sarcasm 
Spanish to English
Mover los hilosto pull some strings 
Spanish to English
Plagado deRiddled with / full of 
Spanish to English
podar dar más de síhas a lot more to offer 
Spanish to English
poner disposición demake available to 
Spanish to English
They can out-turn ustienen más movilidad que nosotros/ son más ágiles que nosotros 
English to Spanish
to the best (eg. of one's ability)hacer todo lo possible/ todo en su poder 
English to Spanish
vino del terrenolocal wine 
Spanish to English
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