Powwow Report for Regno Unito - Edinburgh (Dec 5 2019)

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Report from  Julian Wagstaff
This was a truly excellent powwow! A great turnout, considering the less-than-ideal weather (13 of us in total).

Great bowling games, great food, great company. A truly memorable evening all round. And for those of us who went on to Bar Akva, a lovely end to a great evening.

Have a great festive season, and see you in the New Year!


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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Pernille Chapman
Thomas Roberts
Eleonore Wapler
Julian Wagstaff
Miranda Stewart
Vivien Green
Juliette Rutherford
Breogán Zazpe
Wojciech Szczerek
Kristina Tandl
Theresa Schmidt
Alexandra Gherghinis

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