videos » Translation skills development & client services » i04: Introduction to HEALTHCARE INTERPRETING (in the Global Village of the 21st Century)

Posted by Claudia Brauer on Oct 27, 2011 0 views

Description: This course is part of a series of online workshops with lessons on a variety of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services topics, designed for working and aspiring translators, interpreters, and linguists as well as personnel working at all levels of the healthcare industry with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and other patients having limited knowledge of the “prevalent language” in their country of residence.
The courses may be taken individually or as a progressive series of bundles, in real time online on scheduled dates, on dates scheduled at your request, or on-demand at your own pace in video format. Additionally, each participant who purchases a bundle will receive a free bonus lesson in project management plus a free one-on-one career-planning 1/2 hr session with Claudia (via Skype) to help you design your personalized roadmap to your professional future in the industry, or to discuss in detail any topic of particular interest to you.

Duration: 180 minutes.

Note: We recommend you wait the whole or most part of the video to load before playing, specially if you have a slow Internet connection.

Language: أنجليزي