En qué están trabajando los traductores

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¿En qué proyecto de traducción está trabajando actualmente?

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

I'm proofreading some Corporate Policies for a big company, approx. 13,000 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a couple of financial documents, approx. 1,200 words in total.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished working on a machine manual, approx. 1,000 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished working on a project for Chanel. Feeling honored!


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a couple of documents for a big sustainable energy company. English to Portuguese. Approx. 12,000 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

I'm working on some updates for a video game. So fun!


I Do That

1 user

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

I am working on some manuals and procedures for a marine cargo company. Approx. 12,000 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

I have just finished updating a financial manual on rules for the formulation of indexes, approx. 1,300 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating some documents for Embraer, the largest airplane manufacturer in Brazil. So interesting!


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished a document on banking and IT, approx. 2,000 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

This week I worked on 3 articles for Mozilla's website, dealing with privacy issues. Around 5,000 weighted words.


1 userI Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

I have just started translating the manual of a GE (General Electric) product, approx. 30,000 words.


1 userI Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

I am translating a Mobile Game, approx. 16,000 words.


1 userI Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finshed translating some documents for IBM. Approx. 3,000 words.


1 userI Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

This week I worked on a business document from an Australian company, approx. 4000 words


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished 3 documents on real estate investments, approx. 2,500 words


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished working on a couple of documents for the fourth largest elevator manufacturer in the world. Interesting stuff!


1 userI Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a document for a big insurance company, approx. 2000 words


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating the last section of a well-known strategy video game that will be released on Nintendo Switch later this year. Volume of words: approx. 8,000.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished proofreading the latest installment of the famous video game franchise Front Mission, approx. 72,000 words


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating some material on real estate investments. Interesting stuff!


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a couple of documents for Mozilla's website, approx. 2,100 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a very well-known mobile video game, approx. 7,000 words. Can't wait to play it!


1 userI Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished an MTPE project on breast cancer treatment options, approx. 5,000 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a Code of Conduct for a major electronics company, approx. 2,400 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished a financial document, around 500 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Social media marketing material, approx. 1000 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a Technical Manual, approx. 16,000 words. Time for some rest!


1 userI Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

I recently finished translating a Christian booklet, approx. 12,000 words. Inspiring stuff!


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a machine manual, with approximately 23,000 words. I love a challenge!


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

I have just finished a machine manual, approx. 11,000 words.


1 userI Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating material on a Metaverse platform with Crypto, NFT and Video Game elements to it. Interesting stuff!


I Do That

1 user

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

I have just finished a manual for a hot stamping and embossing machine, with close to 15,000 words. Phew!


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished a document on Cryptocurrencies, approx. 10,000 words. Great stuff!


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished editing a book about spirituality and religion, English to Portuguese, approx. 22,000 words. Insightful!


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a document about cryptocurrencies - approx. 34,000 words. Very interesting!


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished a Financial document about Equity Indexes, approx. 13,000 words. Interesting stuff!


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a Market Research Questionnaire - 2,450 words


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a space exploration video game, English to Portuguese, 24,000 words.


I Do That

Augusto Rochadel publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just finished translating a Space Encyclopedia, English to Portuguese, 38,000 words.


I Do That

respondió desde ProZ.com a las 19:58 Aug 13, 2020:

Wow, that sounds fun! Are you sure they don't need it in Dutch? ;)