The Blue Board has been an important risk management tool for language service providers since 2001 and includes 194,240 entries across 14,936 outsourcers.

Access limited

Your access to the information in the Blue Board record is limited. To gain full access, consider becoming a professional or business member. Member Only Feature חברות ב members enjoy unlimited access to all Blue Board records. This includes:

  • Complete access to outsourcer contact information
  • LWA entries
  • Outsourcer entry comments and comment search
  • The ability to apply to outsourcers that are actively accepting applications from freelancers
  • Graphs, visualizations, and detailed statistics on LWA entries
  • Access to the edit history of comments
  • Additional category ratings (members are able to see ratings entered by others for the outsourcers that they have rated. Plus subscribers are further able to view ratings entered for outsourcers that they have not worked for)
Learn more

קריאות אחרונות לקבלת התייחסויות

מתרגמים שעבדו עבור ספקי העבודה הבאים נדרשים להזין התייחסויות.

Did you know that you can ask others to make entries concerning a particular outsourcer? To do so, simply click "Call for entries" from the outsourcer's record page.

Search by outsourcer name, country, and/or primary profile name (i.e. 'ABC Company France').

תאריך בקשה Blue Board record ארץ פרופיל הזן התייחסות


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  • חיפוש מונח
  • עבודות
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