Archived polls

6149 polls, displaying 901 through 950
Do you avoid sending emails late at night to prevent disturbing the recipient?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 6, 2021
No 61.8%
Yes 29.7%
Other (please share) 8.5%
552 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My main reason for rejecting a potential client is:
By anonymous - featured on Oct 5, 2021
Poor rates 39.5%
Poor reputation (e.g. on Blueboard) 36.1%
Other (please share) 7.1%
Unprofessional communication or presentation 5.3%
Poor payment terms 5.2%
Too much bureaucracy or paperwork 5.2%
Unpaid translation tests 1.8%
621 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many daily hours do you actually spend translating, typically?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 4, 2021
4-6 hours 43.2%
7-9 hours 30.5%
1-3 hours 15.0%
10-12 hours 5.6%
Other (please share) 4.8%
More than 12 hours 1.0%
607 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you read the full document through before starting your translation?
By Laura Daly - featured on Oct 3, 2021
No 61.9%
Yes 28.1%
Other (please share) 10.0%
409 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What would be a reason for you to end your cooperation with an outsourcer?
By Milena Taylor - featured on Oct 2, 2021
Late payments 52.0%
Other (please share) 19.8%
Poor communication with project managers 15.5%
Disagreements with the editors or feedback 12.6%
373 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever had issues with a client's internal reviewer's unjustified revisions?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 1, 2021
Yes, but rarely. 64.3%
No, never. 26.2%
Yes, often. 6.8%
Other (please share). 2.7%
527 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How long can you work without interruption before you need a break?
By Morano El-Kholy - featured on Sep 30, 2021
1-2 hours 47.5%
3-4 hours 36.5%
Less than an hour 9.7%
Other (please share) 3.6%
8-9 hours 2.8%
617 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you do if you notice a spelling error in the name of a recipient of your sent email?
By anonymous - featured on Sep 29, 2021
Apologize in the next email 33.9%
Send a revised version of the email 20.7%
It depends 16.0%
Do nothing 14.4%
It has never happened to me 13.5%
Other 1.5%
2082 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have ever kept on working whilst with a broken hand
By Norman Buhagiar - featured on Sep 1, 2021
I have never severely injured my hand 68.0%
No 17.9%
Yes 12.5%
Other (please share) 1.7%
543 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much of your new clients started giving you regular jobs in the past 2 years?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 31, 2021
Around 1-25% 34.6%
Around 26-50% 16.4%
None 14.1%
More than 75% 9.8%
Around 51-75% 8.6%
No idea 8.6%
I didn't take new clients 4.5%
Other 3.3%
488 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Under what circumstances do you provide LWA/WWA entries?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 30, 2021
When I'm asked to do so 31.3%
When I'm particularly satisfied/dissatisfied 24.8%
Every time I'm satisfied/dissatisfied 15.8%
I never provide LWA/WWA entries 15.2%
I'm not aware of these functions 8.4%
Other 4.6%
323 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is the average time it takes you to get your payments as a freelancer?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 29, 2021
30-45 days 46.6%
15-30 days 20.2%
45-60 days 20.2%
0-15 days 6.8%
60-90 days 5.3%
Other 0.9%
322 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What would be the biggest factor to increase your rate?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 28, 2021
Years of translation experience 24.7%
Working in highly specialized areas 22.5%
Provable specialist knowledge 17.8%
Other 11.4%
Reputation 8.6%
Negotiation skills 7.0%
Track records in specific areas 4.0%
Budget/needs of clients 4.0%
546 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If a new agency asks you for references, do you:
By anonymous - featured on Aug 27, 2021
always give them the same few references 33.1%
first contact the references and ask if ok 28.8%
refuse 26.8%
give them random past clients 5.9%
give them emails of your last few clients 5.5%
511 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In your translation, do you avoid using words/phrases that are common but you personally dislike?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 26, 2021
Yes, sometimes 53.4%
No 20.3%
Yes, often 18.1%
It hasn't happened 5.6%
Other 2.5%
551 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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As a freelancer, your income comes from...
By André Fachada - featured on Aug 25, 2021
Your profession alone. 62.0%
You have more than one profession. 20.5%
Other. 6.7%
Mainly your profession, but family helps. 6.6%
Mainly your family, the job is an extra. 4.3%
610 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you ask your clients to provide you with WWA entries?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 24, 2021
Yes, when we establish a good relationship 38.8%
No 33.0%
I don't know what WWA is 16.8%
Other 5.8%
Yes, always 5.6%
549 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you raise your rate for a regular client/agency?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 23, 2021
Never 29.5%
It depends on worldwide economics situation 28.2%
Every 2-3 years 13.7%
Other 13.4%
Every 5 years 9.9%
Every year 5.3%
818 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you hold a non-translator job?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 18, 2021
No, translation is my only occupation 65.5%
Yes, another freelance operation 10.6%
Yes, a part-time job 8.5%
Yes, a full-time job 8.3%
Other (please share) 3.5%
Yes, I'm a part-time student 2.2%
Yes, I'm a full-time student 1.5%
603 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What does asking a question on the KudoZ network mean for you?
By Cecília Alves - featured on Aug 17, 2021
A complementary resource 33.1%
I never ask questions on KudoZ network 32.3%
A last resource 26.4%
A first resource 4.9%
Other (please share) 3.3%
489 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you charge what you consider the lowest acceptable rate in your pairs?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 16, 2021
Less than 20% of my translations 59.9%
20-40% of my translations 15.1%
40-60% of my translations 9.8%
More than 80% of my translations 8.9%
60-80% of my translations 6.2%
337 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you change your apps or sites' language settings to your native language?
By Harry Hermawan - featured on Aug 15, 2021
No 62.3%
Yes 24.4%
Other (please share) 13.2%
401 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Where did you receive your translation instruction?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 14, 2021
In a country where my target language is spoken 43.8%
I have not received formal translation instruction 29.0%
In a country where my source language is spoken 20.8%
Other (please share) 6.5%
480 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many of the jobs you completed in the past year were left unpaid?
By Francesca Battaglia - featured on Aug 13, 2021
None 73.1%
Only one 16.6%
2-3 6.8%
5 or more 2.1%
4-5 1.4%
577 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you use an ergonomic chair?
By Irène Guinez - featured on Aug 12, 2021
No 57.0%
Yes 38.8%
Other (please share) 4.3%
539 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many CAT tools can you use?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 11, 2021
+5 25.9%
3 24.8%
2 23.1%
1 17.8%
None 8.4%
910 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you turn on your automatic reply before you go to bed?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 8, 2021
No 90.5%
Yes 5.1%
Other (please share) 4.4%
409 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Has your income increased over the years of career, disregarding occasional downturns?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 7, 2021
Yes 56.8%
No, it has decreased after a peak 15.7%
No, it has not increased for some time 13.8%
I have no data 6.8%
Other (please share) 6.8%
470 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much do you pay out of your gross income to taxes, social security, etc.?
By Magda P. - featured on Aug 6, 2021
from 20% to 30% 26.2%
from 0 to 10% 18.4%
from 10% to 20% 18.0%
from 30% to 40% 17.4%
from 40% to 50% 8.0%
other (please share) 7.6%
over 50% 4.4%
500 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you offer translation into a non-native language?
By Ekaterina Chashnikova - featured on Aug 5, 2021
No, I am not sure about the quality. 24.6%
No, I believe it is wrong to do so. 23.6%
Yes, in some of my areas of expertise. 21.5%
Yes, as an exception. 12.9%
Yes, in all of my areas of expertise. 11.7%
Other (please share). 5.8%
606 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of your income do you donate or redistribute?
By tilak raj - featured on Aug 4, 2021
Other (please share) 62.2%
10% 29.9%
20% 4.3%
30% 2.4%
50% 0.7%
40% 0.5%
415 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Does your pet have a name or nickname in your first or second language?
By anonymous - featured on Aug 3, 2021
N/A 40.9%
First 29.7%
Other 15.1%
Second 14.3%
482 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you work less during the World Cup or the Olympics?
By Miho Ohashi - featured on Aug 2, 2021
Same as usual 77.9%
No, I work more than usual 8.0%
Somewhat yes 6.2%
Other 4.6%
Of course! 3.2%
435 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you charge different rates for proofreading and revision?
By Judith Prince - featured on Aug 1, 2021
No 51.3%
Yes 40.4%
Other (please share) 8.3%
386 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you are paid by target word count, do you consciously try to write a wordier translation?
By Oliver Lawrence - featured on Jul 31, 2021
No, never 67.9%
Other (please share) 16.1%
Yes, sometimes 10.5%
Yes, always 5.6%
448 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you don't use Trados, do you find you have to turn down work as a result?
By Oliver Lawrence - featured on Jul 30, 2021
I use Trados already 48.9%
No, I'm happy with my current CAT tool 15.9%
Yes, but very little 12.8%
Yes, a significant amount 9.1%
No, I'm happy not having any CAT tool 8.0%
Other 5.3%
548 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is the largest number of words you have ever proofread/edited in one day?
By Amar Nath - featured on Jul 29, 2021
< 4000 16.4%
4000 - 5000 15.2%
9001 - 11000 14.2%
7001 - 9000 12.6%
> 15000 12.1%
5001 - 6000 10.3%
11001 - 15000 10.3%
6001 - 7000 8.9%
494 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you encounter clients who seem to "disappear" after you do a translation test?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 28, 2021
Occasionally 34.3%
Quite often 29.2%
Rarely 20.9%
It never happened to me 11.3%
Other - N/A 4.4%
551 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you deal with a poor quality TM sent by the customer when working on a translation?
By Susanna Martoni - featured on Jul 27, 2021
I produce the best possible translation using those terms 31.9%
I phone the client and discuss this aspect 28.2%
I correct the most important errors at no charge 22.8%
Other (please share) 17.2%
483 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you be interested in a CAT tool for mobile devices?
By Châu Nguyễn - featured on Jul 26, 2021
No, I only want to use CATs on my PC 69.8%
Yes, a CAT-tool for Android 25.5%
Yes, a CAT-tool for iOS 4.1%
Yes, a CAT-tool for Windows mobile 0.6%
483 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is your worst experience as a translator?
By Morano El-Kholy - featured on Jul 25, 2021
Not being paid! 61.4%
Other. 23.8%
Missing the deadline delivery date. 10.1%
Misunderstanding the contract terms. 4.7%
404 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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By what time do you usually stop working for the day?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 24, 2021
Between 6 PM and 9 PM 31.2%
There is no usual time 25.3%
Between 3 PM and 6 PM 19.6%
Between 9 PM and 12 AM 12.6%
After 12 AM 4.6%
Before 12 PM 2.8%
Between 12 PM and 3 PM 2.3%
Other - N/A 1.6%
565 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
[Discuss in forum (9)] [View this poll] community: compared to when I first joined, now...
By anonymous - featured on Jul 23, 2021
I participate less 40.0%
My participation is about the same 37.6%
I participate more 16.7%
Other - N/A 5.6%
502 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Why did you choose your particular profile picture?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 22, 2021
It makes me look friendly 54.1%
It looks clever 14.8%
It makes clients think I'm a good translator 12.1%
It will cheer people up 6.5%
I don't use one (please share reason) 6.5%
I haven't picked a photo yet 6.0%
447 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When taking on jobs at lower-than-usual rates, do you use less strict or time-consuming procedures?
By Thomas Johansson - featured on Jul 21, 2021
No, never 43.2%
Yes, but only rarely, generally not 17.2%
Yes, generally, but not always 16.0%
Yes, sometimes 14.8%
Yes, always 8.7%
493 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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When no CAT tools are required, how do you calculate your rates?
By Susanna Martoni - featured on Jul 20, 2021
Source text calculation 81.2%
Target text calculation 13.1%
Other (please share) 5.7%
580 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you think that files could be encrypted or locked until you get paid?
By Ines R. - featured on Jul 19, 2021
I think most clients will not accept it. 66.6%
I don't have an opinion either way. 25.0%
I think most clients would accept this. 8.4%
428 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you had any health problems since starting full time translation?
By Isabelle Johnson - featured on Jul 18, 2021
Other 31.2%
Back problems 30.2%
Eye problems 16.4%
All of the above 15.9%
Headaches 6.3%
378 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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A new client without a Blue Board record contacts you for a project. Do you accept their payment con
By Sandrine Zérouali - featured on Jul 17, 2021
I impose my own preferred payment conditions. 38.1%
I accept their payment conditions. 32.1%
I ask for an advance. 18.7%
I refuse the job outright. 11.1%
449 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you accept to undergo translation tests from new potential clients?
By Stefania Corvi - featured on Jul 16, 2021
Yes, if the test is short. 46.2%
Yes, always. 28.0%
Yes, if the test is both short and paid. 7.8%
Yes, if the test is paid. 7.3%
Other (please share). 5.5%
No, never. 5.3%
658 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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6149 polls, displaying 901 through 950