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Poll: What does asking a question on the KudoZ network mean for you?
מפרסם התגובה: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
צוות האתר
Aug 16, 2021

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "What does asking a question on the KudoZ network mean for you?".

This poll was originally submitted by Cecília Alves. View the poll results »

Veronica Berglund
Local time: 13:59
מספרדית לאנגלית
+ ...
A complementary resource Aug 16, 2021

As 99% of the time I am working alone, I tend to use the kudoz section for brainstorming, i.e., to gather opinions from fellow translators. I often already have a notion about the answer, but seek comments, feedback, confirmation or reassurance from colleagues. It can be very interesting to see what others come up with.

One of my biggest bugbears is undefined abbreviations or acronyms, and kudoz queries are very helpful for that kind of thing. Another problem can be the idiosyncrati
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As 99% of the time I am working alone, I tend to use the kudoz section for brainstorming, i.e., to gather opinions from fellow translators. I often already have a notion about the answer, but seek comments, feedback, confirmation or reassurance from colleagues. It can be very interesting to see what others come up with.

One of my biggest bugbears is undefined abbreviations or acronyms, and kudoz queries are very helpful for that kind of thing. Another problem can be the idiosyncratic use of terminology between one Spanish-speaking country and another. I'm currently suffering quite a lot from that kind of thing.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Rita Utt
Lauro Augusto
Mr. Satan (X)
matt robinson
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:59
חבר (2007)
מאנגלית לפורטוגזית
+ ...
Other Aug 16, 2021

Kudoz is sometimes my last port of call, but usually not my first. My first hit is always IATE and then my other ports of call are: Eur-Lex, BDTT, Linguee/DeepL, WordReference, dict.cc, Termium, PONS.

Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
Last resort Aug 16, 2021

There are now very few people in my language pairs with anything valuable to contribute, and even fewer in my particular fields.

People only really ask about technical terms in the Scandi languages, so in a way we have completed KudoZ now.

We don’t endlessly argue the toss over slight nuances in the way the big languages seem to.

Christine Andersen
Robert Forstag
Robert Forstag  Identity Verified
ארצות הברית
Local time: 08:59
מספרדית לאנגלית
+ ...
Usually a last resort, but... Aug 16, 2021

...in cases where I've been up against a deadline, time is running short, and I've already been working a solid 10-12 hours, I've also used it as a shortcut to save time.

Sometimes, the answers that I've received have not only been helpful, but incredibly enriching (the magnificent Charles Davis comes immediately to mind here in ENG-SPA-ENG). On other occasions, not so much.

My general approach is to avoid using Kudoz as much as possible, not only to avoid accusations
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...in cases where I've been up against a deadline, time is running short, and I've already been working a solid 10-12 hours, I've also used it as a shortcut to save time.

Sometimes, the answers that I've received have not only been helpful, but incredibly enriching (the magnificent Charles Davis comes immediately to mind here in ENG-SPA-ENG). On other occasions, not so much.

My general approach is to avoid using Kudoz as much as possible, not only to avoid accusations of leeching off others, but also because the proper posting of queries and subsequent evaluation of the answers and comments takes a fair amount of time, and can be rather distracting when I'm still working on material.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Mr. Satan (X)
svetlana cosquéric
Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Yetta Jensen Bogarde  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:59
חבר (2012)
מאנגלית לדנית
+ ...
Other Aug 16, 2021

I seem to forget about this possibility, but now you reminded me

Mario Freitas
Mario Freitas  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:59
חבר (2014)
מאנגלית לפורטוגזית
+ ...
The problem is waiting Aug 16, 2021

It is an excellent resource, but unfortunatelly, we have to wait a couple of hours, at least, before we get good answers. When we are translating, that's not the best choice, and it becomes one of the last resources, which I use only when I really can't find the term in my long research in other resources that will provide me a solution immediately.

Tom in London
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Mr. Satan (X)
Vera Schoen
Kevin Fulton
Kevin Fulton  Identity Verified
ארצות הברית
Local time: 08:59
מגרמנית לאנגלית
Occasionally an embarrassment Aug 16, 2021

I'm usually self-sufficient when it comes to resolving terminology issues, but sometimes I need to reach beyond my usual resources due to a failure of imagination or inadequate reference material. I've felt horribly embarrassed on those rare occasions when I've had to post two inquiries for the same job. I'm astounded when I see the same people posting multiple queries on a regular basis. I suppose these queries are great for Kudoz collectors, but I wonder about the capabilities of those postin... See more
I'm usually self-sufficient when it comes to resolving terminology issues, but sometimes I need to reach beyond my usual resources due to a failure of imagination or inadequate reference material. I've felt horribly embarrassed on those rare occasions when I've had to post two inquiries for the same job. I'm astounded when I see the same people posting multiple queries on a regular basis. I suppose these queries are great for Kudoz collectors, but I wonder about the capabilities of those posting a half-dozen questions at a time.Collapse

Mr. Satan (X)
Chris Says Bye
Liena Vijupe
Rui Domingues
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Barbara Carrara
Mr. Satan (X)
Mr. Satan (X)
מאנגלית לאינדונזית
As a very last resort Aug 16, 2021

I only use it if I have exhausted all my resources, and it's usually something about cultural understanding where just reading the definition won't do. I would need to ask the native speakers.

Local time: 13:59
מספרדית לאנגלית
+ ...
New broom doesn't sweep for me Aug 16, 2021

Teresa Borges wrote:

Kudoz is sometimes my last port of call, but usually not my first. My first hit is always IATE and then my other ports of call are: Eur-Lex, BDTT, Linguee/DeepL, WordReference, dict.cc, Termium, PONS.

I used to swear by IATE for certain things, but they "upgraded" it some years ago and I've found it pretty useless since then. Maybe it's my fault and I'm not entering the queries properly or something, but I find the current interface not very user-friendly.

Alexandra Speirs
Emily Scott
Kay Denney
Hege Jakobsen Lepri
Hege Jakobsen Lepri  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:59
חבר (2002)
מאנגלית לנורבגית
+ ...
I used it more in my early years, now I use it as a wild card when I'm stuck Aug 16, 2021

For my language combinations, some of the more competent colleagues are nor as active (or they have retired) so I haven't asked a question there in years.
I do use the search function, though, usually En or It to *any language* when I'm totally stuck, just to see what the translation may be into other languages and thus highlight possible solutions in the my own target language.

Chris Says Bye
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
בוסניה והרצגובינה
Local time: 13:59
חבר (2009)
מאנגלית לקרואטית
+ ...
Nothing at all. Aug 16, 2021

I don’t ask questions on Kudoz and don’t take it seriously. I have other resources to clarify terminology and as a last resort, discuss it with the client (rarely needed).

[Edited at 2021-08-16 17:32 GMT]

Thomas Pfann
Thomas Pfann  Identity Verified
הממלכה המאוחדת
Local time: 12:59
חבר (2006)
מאנגלית לגרמנית
+ ...
It's not always a waiting game! Aug 16, 2021

Mario Freitas wrote:

... but unfortunatelly, we have to wait a couple of hours, at least, before we get good answers.

Not always! Sometimes answers are immediate - even before the question is submitted. Over the years, I had quite a few questions which I never posted; just entering the context and phrasing a meaningful question led to a lightbulb moment and the answer occurred to me.

But yes, KudoZ would usually be the last resource. It can also be helpful for brainstorming ideas when it is not about finding a correct term but a nice and creative turn of phrase.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
Yaotl Altan
Yaotl Altan  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:59
חבר (2006)
מאנגלית לספרדית
+ ...
Complementary Aug 16, 2021

The KudoZ network is a good complementary resource to get help from multiple languages. They will fulfill our language demands in an urgent situation, that's for sure.

Beatriz Ramírez de Haro
Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
Laureana Pavon
Laureana Pavon  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:59
חבר (2007)
מאנגלית לספרדית
+ ...

מנהל פורום
Last resort Aug 17, 2021

Lingua 5B wrote:
I don’t ask questions on Kudoz and don’t take it seriously.

You don't take KudoZ seriously yet you've answered hundreds of questions

Personally, I use KudoZ as a last resort.

Chris Says Bye
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Poll: What does asking a question on the KudoZ network mean for you?

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