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    Strona domowa
    • angielski
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        • Term
          • stealth transmission
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          • Refers to the transmission and/or contagion of an illness by infected people who display minimal or no symptoms. These undetected cases can expose a far greater portion of the population to virus than would otherwise occur. for COVID-19, undetected infected individuals are numerous and contagious. NewsWeek
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Suspicion about the possibility of “stealth transmission” has been growing since mid-February, when Dr. Sandra Ciesek, director of the University of Frankfurt’s Institute for Medical Virology, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that, in a lab, she had been able to infect human cells with coronavirus samples taken from two airline passengers returning to Germany from Wuhan, China. While both tested positive for the virus, one of the travelers had no symptoms and the other reported a mild sore throat and rash. - LA Times by
          • “Undetected cases can expose a far greater portion of the population to [the] virus than would otherwise occur. … These “stealth transmissions” will continue to present a major challenge to the containment of this outbreak going forward,” Shaman said. - Live Science by
          • The researchers said while these findings “indicate containment of this virus will be particularly challenging,” they did find that social distancing and quarantines slowed the spread of the virus. When they ran simulations occurring between Jan. 24 and Feb. 8, as diagnostic efforts increased, they found that stealth transmission dropped by a factor of five and transmission rates among documented patients dropped by at least 50%. - Advisory by
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    • portugalski
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          • transmissão silenciosa
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          • "A realização de exames de casos febris, independente da suspeita de dengue, ou mesmo a realização de inquéritos sorológicos são medidas importantes para identificar a transmissão silenciosa." Revista de Saúde Pública - by marc25z
        • Example sentence(s)
          • A pesquisadora chama atenção, ainda, para as altas taxas de transmissão silenciosa da doença, mesmo durante a epidemia, reveladas pelo estudo. (...) "No entanto, mesmo com o grande número de casos ocorrido em 2007-2008, quase 80% dessas infecções eram assintomáticas, o que evidencia a dificuldade do controle da dengue e da elaboração de estimativas mais aproximadas da real dispersão do vírus” - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz by marc25z
          • Para isso foi avaliado a prevalência do virus na população da cidade, investigada a possível transmissão silenciosa do virus na região e características dos pacientes infectados pelos virus e que não apresentavam os sinais clínicos. - USP by marc25z
          • Considerando, portanto, a clássica premissa de que para cada caso agudo aconteçam vinte casos silenciosos (transmissão inaparente) de DC, também é válida para esta região a imediata mensuração da condição de portadores crônicos. Isso porque, a despeito da transmissão concorrente ser indireta (oral), os vetores não domiciliados quase sempre estão envolvidos, expressando um potencial de transmissão silenciosa em níveis até o momento não mensurados. - Ministério da Saúde by marc25z
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  • Compare this term in: chorwacki, albański, arabski, bułgarski, niemiecki, niderlandzki, grecki, hiszpański, perski (farsi), francuski, włoski, koreański, polski, rumuński, rosyjski, słowacki, ukraiński

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