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    • engleză
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        • Term
          • crafting
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          • A crafting system is the collection of game mechanics which enable a player to create virtual objects within a game, with examples ranging from making a pickaxe or placing blocks in Minecraft, to combining ingredients to create items in World of Warcraft, or designing a city in SimCity. Digital Humanities Quarterly
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Ever since Minecraft first launched, gaming has accepted that it’s not a proper video game if it doesn’t have some form of crafting system. Whether involved and detailed, or boiling down to plopping resources onto a workbench and choosing the recipe you want, crafting has become a staple of gaming over the past decade. - G2A by
          • Crafting often plays a pivotal part in player driven economies, which are typically found in MMORPGs. This is due to the fact that players in games with player driven economies are generally only allowed to train a few of a game's tradeskills. - Giantbomb by
          • In this method, the recipes for crafting are neither immediately known nor acquired in-game, but must instead be discovered by the player through combinatorial trial and error. The player is generally presented with a crafting interface in which they can combine the resources they have collected, and is tasked with finding valid outputs by trying different arrangements of inputs. - Game development by
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    • slovacă
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          • výroba predmetov
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          • Špeciálny systém, vďaka ktorému môžu hráči v hre (napr. Minecraft, World of Warcraft, The Witcher) vytvárať rôzne predmety z materiálov, ktoré našli. Own research - by Miroslav Menhert
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Základom Minecraftu je crafting – výroba predmetov. Na začiatku Minecraft hry si vyrábate predmety vo svojom inventári, kde výrobná plocha má 2 × 2 polia. Väčšinu predmetov, ktoré sú vo svete Minecraftu, si potom môžete vyrobiť pomocou špeciálneho pracovného stola. Ten má 9 polí. - by Miroslav Menhert
          • A práve to, o čom teraz píšem – crafting (výroba predmetov), je ďalšou zaujímavou novinkou v sérii Far Cry. Vylepšenia už nekúpite na každom kroku v obchode a nebude vám stačiť plný mešec peňazí. - by Miroslav Menhert
        • Related KudoZ question
  • Compare this term in: spaniolă, persană (farsi), franceză, coreeană, poloneză, portugheză, rusă, turcă

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