Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossary of terms for immigration documentation: 建物賃貸借契約書 rental agreement 物件の表示 description of property
Glossario multilingue di italiano giuridico (Multilingual glossary of legal Italian)
Riccardo Massari, avvocato (solicitor) | https://pluris-cedam.utetgiuridica....
Maritime EN>ES-ES Glossary
Escuela de Marina Civil, Universidad de Oviedo |
Glossary of maritime terms. There's an Spanish to English version on the same site, too.
DICTIONNAIRE FRANÇAIS-OURDOU (NLPD Online French Urdu Dictionary) فرانسیسی اردولغت
National language promotion department of Pakistan ادارۂ فروغِ قومی زبان |
ردو زبان میں شایدیہ اپنی قسم کی پہلی کاوش ہے اورغالباً یہ لغت پہلی دفعہ اس کمی کو پورا کرے گی۔ اس بنیادی فرانسیسی اردو لغت میں اس بات کا خاص خیال رکھا گیا ہے کہ کثرت سے استعمال ہونے والے فرانسیسی الفاظ کا براہ راست اردو ترجمہ معلوم کیا جا سکے۔اس لغت کی تیاری میں فرانسیسی زبان سیکھنے والے طالب علموں کو خاص طور پر ذہن میں رکھا گیا ہے۔ مگر یہ لغت اردو... View more
The World Bank. English-Spanish and Spanish-English Glossary
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank |
This edition of the World Bank Glossary has been revised and expanded by the Terminology Unit of the Bank's Translation, Interpretation and Conference Services Division, in close collaboration with the English and Spanish Translation Sections. The Glossary is intended to assist the Bank's translators and interpreters, other Bank staff using Spanis... View more
Glossary of Terms. Oil & Gas CDM/JI Projects
Oil & Gas CDM/JI Methodology Workgroup |
This technical glossary of terms was commissioned by the Oil & Gas Methodology Workgroup Why the need for a glossary of terms? (WG) to compile and explain how specific oil and gas terms found and/or required in relevant CDM/JI Methodologies, are understood and applied by industry, and how the concepts should be interpreted in the context of projec... View more
Словарь терминов и определений включает терминологию в соответствии с Законом Республики Казахстан «Об образовании» от 27.07.2007 г. № 319-III (с изменениями и дополнениями по состоянию на 09.04.2016 г.), Государственным общеобязательным стандартом послевузовского образования. Раздел 1. Магистратура, Раздел 2. Докторантура, утвержденным постановлен... View more
Содержит русско-английские термины.
Англо-русский глоссарий по цифровым финансовым услугам
Оперативная группа МСЭ-Т по цифровым финансовым услугам |
Настоящий глоссарий представляет собой сборник терминов, которые обычно используются в области цифровых финансовых услуг, и пояснение значения этих терминов. Термины сгруппированы по категориям, а не приведены в соответствии с алфавитным порядком. Существуют семь основных категорий терминов.
Англо-русский глоссарий по управленческому учету к экзамену CIMA.
Basic railway glossary of Spanish, German, English, French, Italian and Russian terms.
Trade Facilitation Terms. An English-Russian-Chinese Glossary. Revised third edition
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the China National Institute of Standardization |
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the China National Institute of Standardization, working with other partners, teamed up to develop this revised third edition of the Glossary of trade facilitation terms, including for the first time the Chinese translation of the terms, to become an En... View more
English, German, French and Russian Glossary of the Danube navigation
Secretariat of the Danube Commission |
The Glossary of the Danube navigation has been prepared by the Secretariat of the Danube Commission to harmonize terminology, used in the official documents related to the various fields of the Danube Commission’s activity in its official languages (German, French and Russian) as well as in English, and has been issued according to the Plan of publ... View more
Terms relating to quality, management, organization, process and product are borrowed from the ISO 9000:2015 norm. For the other terms, the EQUASP Glossary of Terms adopts the Tuning Glossary of Terms, integrated with some terms not provided for by Tuning. In some cases, the definitions of the terms borrowed from the ISO 9000:2015 norm have been ... View more
Термины, относящиеся к качеству, менеджменту, организации, процессам и продукции, заимствованы из стандарта ISO 90001. В отношении других терминов, Словарь терминов и определений EQUASP соответствует словарю «Tuning Glossary of Terms», и включает некоторые термины, не представленные в словаре Tuning. В некоторых случаях термины, заимствованные из... View more
Данный документ разработан с целью разъяснения наиболее часто используемых в повседневной работе ЭКСАР терминов. Это справочник, цель которого формирование единого понимания, в рамках отдельных видов страхования, включая как термины, общеупотребимые в мировой практике, так и термины используемые исключительно во внутренней работе Агентства. Приведе... View more
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
Polish-English Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing (Słownik wyraŜeń związanych z testowaniem)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
English-Norwegian Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing (Terminologi for test av programvare)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
English-French Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing (Glossaire CFTL/ISTQB des termes utilisés en tests de logiciels)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (Comité Français des Tests Logiciels) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
Стандартный глоссарий терминов, используемых в тестировании программного обеспечения
International Software Testing Qualifications Board |
При создании этого глоссария рабочая группа изучила варианты, комментарии и всевозможные мнения представителей промышленности, коммерции и правительственных органов и организаций с целью создать международный стандарт тестирования, который будет принят как можно большим количеством областей. Полное понимание вряд ли, если вообще когда-нибудь, может... View more
Short explanatory dictionary on the theory and practice of election observation.
English-Russian Glossary of Words and Phrases
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service |
This glossary has been developed in cooperation with numerous professional translators and editors. Its purpose is to establish high standards for the quality of language usage, to promote uniformity in language usage, and to minimize the risk of misinterpretation of Russian-language materials issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This glo... View more
English-Italian Glossary of behaviour analytic terms
L. Todone, P. Moderato |
English-Italian terminology on the field of human behaviour
Glossary Of Insurance Terms And Definitions
GEICO - Government Employees Insurance Company |
Basic monolingual glossary of insurance terms
Русско-английский толковый словарь геологических терминов и понятий
Парначев В.П., Вылцан И.А., Танзыбаев М.Г., Рудой А.Н., Котельникова И.В. |
Настоящий словарь представляет собой четвертое издание "Словаря геологических терминов и понятий" (Томск, 1992. – 60 с.1995. – 83 с. 1996. – 85 с.). В него включены термины и по почвоведению в связи с осуществлением на ГГФ дисциплин: "География почв и основы почвоведения", "Методы исследования почв". Знание геологических терминов необходимо и сту... View more
Энциклопедия старинной одежды
Коллектив авторов |
Скомпилирована из разных источников.
Glossary of Zoning, Development, and Planning Terms
Collective of authors |
A Glossary of Zoning, Development, and Planning Terms (The Glossary) (Planning Advisory Service Report 491/492), edited by Michael Davidson and Fay Dolnick, was just that — a collection of terms and words used in all aspects of planning, including land use, architecture, real estate, environment, law, science, economics, government, and engineering... View more
Provides a thorough understanding of today’s tools and resources used by translators and interpreters, as well as technical details of their work.
French-English glossary of dentistry terms for implant surgery.
German-Spanish glossary of ailments
Babel Linguistics |
German-Spanish glossary of ailments.
English-Spanish glossary of gastronomy terms & definitions for cooking methods, international foods and menues, fruits, vegetables, seafood, fish, types of berries, herbs, seasoning and condiments.
Diccionario de anglicismos del español estadounidense
Francisco Moreno-Fernández | http://cervantesobservatorio.fas.ha...
Este diccionario no se presenta como una obra definitiva. La propia naturaleza de los datos aquí consignados, procedentes en gran parte de la lengua hablada, impide que un trabajo así se ofrezca en una versión cerrada. Antes bien, estas páginas se consideran materiales parciales de un proyecto en marcha, susceptibles de ser completados, actualizado... View more
Short Turkish-Russian medical glossary, version of May 5, 2007. First published on, created by A. Gorokhova (Ayşe).
Glossaire des services financiers numériques
Ce rapport a été rédigé par Carol Benson et Nils Clotteau avec la contribution de Cecily Northup, Trevor Zimmer et Yuri Grin. Il a été révisé par le groupe de travail sur l’écosystème des services financiers numériques. |
Publié par l’Union postale universelle (UPU) Berne (Suisse) Ce glossaire est une compilation de termes couramment utilisés dans le domaine des services financiers numériques et donne une explication de la signification de ces termes. Les termes sont regroupés par catégorie, et non par ordre alphabétique. Il existe 7 catégories principales, comme... View more
Eurpean Portuguese legislation in DE, EN, ES, FR, IT
GDDC - Gabinete de Documentação e Direito Comparado |
For those of you who translate European Portuguese legal texts into other languages