Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Noise Control Terms Made Somewhat Easier by the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse Library
This dictionary of terms related to noise and noise control is a useful tool for those who are investigating how to reduce the amount of noise pollution in their environment. The original authors did an excellent job of defining terms associated with sound... View more
Uydu Terimleri
Dijital Uydu |
Sık kullanılan uydu terimlerinin bir seçkisi
This glossary by the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences (Colorado, USA) provides standard definitions for the fields subsumed by the umbrella discipline of telecommunications.
Enter a term in the text box and press Find.
For a list of terms, select a letter or enter starting letter(s).
Good resource by the American College of Radiology and the Radiological Society of North America - enriched with cross-links, images, and pronounciation guide.
Spanish monolingual version at View more
British National Corpus search engine
Mark Davies - Brigham Young University |
This website allows you to quickly and easily search for a wide range of words and phrases of English in the 100 million word British National Corpus. As with some other BNC interfaces, you can search for words and phrases by exact word or phrase, wildcard or part of speech, or combinations of these. You can also search for surrounding words (col... View more
Time and Frequency glossary
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
A very comprehensive glossary of terms connected with mesuring of time and frequency with a lot of links.
Afrikaans 8000 Plus
Mieliestronk |
Approx 8000 Afrikaans words with very high usage frequency, based on a Dutch word list.
Word Frequency List
Pharos Publishers |
The 500 most frequently used words in Afrikaans, according to Pharos Publishers' corpus, in HTML format.