Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Terminología del análisis lítico en Arqueología
Dra. Giovanna Winchkler |
The archaeological object is an observable one, which the archaeologist had to learn how to observe. This observation requires an adequate and precise knowledge of those terms and expressions that constitute such object. I consider in this research that the knowledge of the science is built through the language and the particular ways in which i... View more
Ballroom Dancing Glossary
Ballroom |
Glossary of Ballroom Dancing terms Includes a further link to an abbreviation glossary:
Statistics Glossary
SETPS (Valerie J. Easton & John H. McColl) |
Glossary of statistical terms grouped under theme-related headings and also with an 'Alphabetical index of all entries'.
STEPS Glossary Web version revised and updated Sep 97 by Stuart G. Young.
Terminology of jazz dance; basics, legs, falls, rolls, undulations, turns - pirouettes, jumps, other steps... A few have video clips.
Film industry glossary
private website |
good single-language source of detailed explanations for film and media jargon, including steps of production, staff, technical terms etc.