Powwow Report for Irán - Yazd (Oct 30 2015)

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Report from  Salman Rostami

We had a powwow in Yazd yesterday late afternoon/evening, with four of us meeting at Apple Restaurant. It is worth mentioning that a group of 8 local interpreters and translators who are not Proz.com members also joined us. They were mostly English students in Yazd University. It was wonderful to meet three Prozian colleagues. Ali, an English<>Farsi translator, joined us all the way from Khoramabad. Hossein (Mohaghegh), a translator and editor, had less far to travel, currently being based at Tehran. And Hossein Emami and I were are based in Yazd.

Our conversation, broken up by some nibbles and drinks, meandered. We talked about community interpreting, editing, translating, deadlines, clients, colleagues, software and some tricky moments on the job.

After about two hours, we went to a nearby restaurant to eat.

I have also taken some photos and will upload them.

Warmest greetings to everyone who expressed interest; I really hope you'll be able to make it next time!

Salman Rostami

Photos from  Salman Rostami

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Ryan Emami
Hossein Abbasi Mohaghegh
Ali Farzaneh
Salman Rostami

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