| נושא | מפרסם תגובות (תצוגות) הודעה אחרונה |
 | ᐃᔪᐤ ᐃᔨᒧᐅᓐ No, this is not a bug | 0 (593) |
 | Do we all have to speak The Queen's English? ( 1... 2) | 26 (7,102) |
 | English Bible for the Deaf | 10 (4,000) |
 | Recommended certification courses for translators | 2 (2,073) |
 | Off-topic: What "dialects" do you speak? ( 1, 2... 3) | 43 (30,997) |
 | Off-topic: Please help me to identify this language | 5 (2,895) |
 | Euro or Euros? ( 1... 2) | 21 (62,451) |
 | Off-topic: 7 incredible alphabets from around the world | 7 (3,686) |
 | What if you want a translation of something but don't know what the original language is? | 4 (3,084) |
 | Off-topic: Mysterious inscriptions on a rock in Brittany (France) | 1 (5,128) |
 | Romani Studies: new dictionary of legal practice | 0 (1,464) |
 | Frequency of work from Catalan to English | 6 (4,053) |
 | Decipher Indian language text | 2 (3,142) |
 | Let Santali language also enter the language pool of Proz | 2 (2,772) |
 | Calenge ès Mèmes en Langue Matèrnelle | 0 (1,492) |
 | Pakistan's regional languages face looming extinction | 0 (1,751) |
 | Honorary Member of a Foundation devoted to Guarani | 3 (2,818) |
 | Spanish in Spain VS Spanish in Mexico in writing | 10 (5,839) |
 | Use of the word "analphabet" in English language ( 1... 2) | 15 (11,364) |
 | How does coding system influence reading speed? | 9 (4,675) |
 | Handshakes (non-verbal speech) ( 1... 2) | 22 (10,964) |
 | Off-topic: Does grammar matter? | 4 (4,738) |
 | Diffusion of Guaraní today | 1 (2,608) |
 | Off-topic: Foreign language learning in a TV show (ASL) | 4 (4,062) |
 | Proportional pie chart of the world's most spoken languages ( 1... 2) | 19 (14,491) |
 | Difference between US-Spanish and ES-Spanish and difference between US-French and FR-French | 11 (6,684) |
 | Angolan Portuguese in product interfaces | 3 (3,210) |
 | What's "really" considered offensive? ( 1, 2... 3) | 30 (21,241) |
 | Is it possible to lose your mother tongue? ( 1... 2) | 21 (13,298) |
 | The (almost) speechless translator | 11 (6,423) |
 | Slang/ colloquial terms | 0 (2,431) |
 | Translation to Minority Languages | 5 (4,759) |
 | ‘Euro English – English for all … except for native speakers’ (on termcoord.eu blog) | 3 (3,773) |
 | On all ? continents | 7 (6,310) |
 | Happy European Day of Languages! | 1 (3,247) |
 | Waxing lyrical - Arty English or IAE | 2 (4,018) |
 | Off-topic: Misuse of "revert" ( 1, 2... 3) | 31 (25,292) |
 | Is it ok not translated? | 12 (7,436) |
 | survey on uniformity versus creativity in professional translations | 1 (3,354) |
 | Off-topic: FUN: The English Language In 24 Accents ( 1... 2) | 17 (19,776) |
 | Please help to define the language | 2 (4,606) |
 | Brazilian Portuguese vs European Portuguese in the EU | 3 (5,085) |
 | Why does MS Office spellchecker query use of pass¡ve voice? | 10 (8,305) |
 | Vanishing languages - Vanishing voices | 1 (4,592) |
 | Español de chile | 2 (5,234) |
 | French for Madagascar | 1 (4,450) |
 | The Scots Language | 3 (12,919) |
 | Should "bromance" really be in the dictionary? | 12 (9,843) |
 | Latin American Spanish...which country is most 'generic'? | 4 (6,482) |
 | Farsi/Dari/Tajik(i): A Trio to Deal with ( 1... 2) | 18 (30,808) |