International Translation Day 2024

Let's celebrate International Translation Day 2024 together with ProZ/TV!

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The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

מאנגלית לסינית טבחות / בישול Translation Glossary

אנגלית term סינית translation
(T) Tablespoon 餐匙 ,大汤勺,大汤匙,大匙
apron 脐盖
Asian greens 亚洲蔬菜
Entered by: Julia Zou
Awarma meat 羊羔肉
Entered by: Katherine Xuan
健康餐饮,绿色之旅 Your green food trip!
breakfast bars 早餐棒; 早餐条
cajun 卡真
Carb-Conscious 低碳水化合物
cherry tomato confit 油封小番茄 (油封樱桃番茄 or 油封圣女番茄)
Cooking pit Right
Dos Equis 双X啤酒 (墨西哥品牌啤酒). 可用英文原名Dos (two) Equis (Xs)啤酒。
file/document file:文件(简体)、檔案(繁體);document:文档(简体)、文件(繁體)
Entered by: lbone
finishing off 润饰好准备烘焙的
Entered by: David Lin
foul(food) 阿拉伯辣椒蚕豆
Freekeh 巴勒斯坦穀物鸡汤
Horseredish 山葵/ 辣根/辣根
Javanese short sweet shot 爪哇式咖啡甜酒/特飲
Entered by: Julia Zou
kafta 黎巴嫩烤牛肉、羊肉肉馅
Entered by: Katherine Xuan
Lobster risotto with bisque glace 意式龙虾浓汁烩饭
Entered by: Siwei Wang
meat spreads 肉酱
Entered by: Julia Zou
Micro Greens 苗/菜苗/綠苗
Monterey Jack cheese 蒙特裏傑克
muhallabiya 木哈拉比亚
Muttabal 茄子泥酱
Entered by: Katherine Xuan
Entered by: Julia Zou
Pine root fibre craft 松根纤维工艺
Prik King 香辣(明虾)
Entered by: Julia Zou
Pull this table out to keep as a handy reminder 将该表放在方便处,随时提醒孕期忌口食品
Entered by: Julia Zou
raspberry centre and macerated melon salad 釀覆盆子,佐以浸渍甜瓜沙拉
Entered by: Julia Zou
red pepper compote and Fig jus 紅椒醬和無花果醬汁
Entered by: Julia Zou
Red Square Washed Rind Red square 品牌的白色霉菌乳酪
Entered by: Julia Zou
Reggello Rose chick-peas soup with fresh local olive oil Reggello 粉紅鹰嘴豆湯 (佐以新鮮的本地橄榄油)
Entered by: Julia Zou
Repeat ending with the cheese 重复一次,奶酪为最后一层
Entered by: Julia Zou
served with nahm jin dressing 佐以泰式酸汁
Entered by: Julia Zou
Shallot Pur閑 青葱泥
Signature Camembert 招牌法國 Camembert 乳酪
Entered by: Julia Zou
slices of beef steak with rocket and parmesan cheese 烤小牛里脊肉片配芝麻菜和帕玛森乳酪沙拉
Stuffing from chicken or poultry 鸡/禽的填(充/塞)料
Entered by: Julia Zou
Tamarind Taster plate Tamarind 招牌拼盆
Entered by: Julia Zou
tatbelah 塔比拉
Entered by: Katherine Xuan
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