Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Küchenlexikon F-D
Exquisine, Hamburg |
Die ganze Vielfalt der französischen (Küchen-) Fachbegriffe wird auch in der deutschen Profiküche nicht konsequent genutzt. Dennoch findet man, neben den gängigen Bezeichnungen, seltene Verwendungen auf Speisekarten und in französisch orientierten Kochbüchern wieder. Auch Wein, Spirituosen, Mischgetränke und Rezepturen führen oft auf französische N... View more
Sprit- och drinkordlista
V&S, |
Sprit- och drinkordlistan innehåller knepiga ord som t.ex. zest, muddla och kolonndestillerad.
The 'Wine Dictionary' was compiled from: Winecraft The Encyclopaedia of Wines & Spirits Example: Abboccato Italian for sweet or medium sweet when applied to wines. The same to all intents as moelleux (qv), it is mostly applied to the wines of Orvieto, which are usually classified as seco (dry) or abboccato.
Wine Dictionary
Vintage Direct (Originally compiled by - T.A. Layton) |
The 'Wine Dictionary' was reproduced from "Winecraft - The Encyclopaedia of Wines & Spirits" which was originally compiled by - T.A. Layton. The book dates back to the turn of last century and although some information is obsolete, the work nevertheless contains many curious entries which are no longer included in contemporary reference works.
A Dictionary of Voodoo Terms
Hartford Web Publishing / Bob Corbett |
Basic terminology of the traditional religion of Vodun (Voodoo) in Haiti
Wine Glossary
Tenuta Coppadoro |
Three monolingual (DE, EN, IT) glossaries on wine ... View more
Spiritist Glossary
Spiritist Group of New York |
French-Portuguese-English glossary of Spiritist terminology.
An illustrated glossary of symbols relating to religion, magick, mysticism, mythology and the occult. Hundreds of symbols, glyphs, signs and emblems illustrated and defined.
Glossary of religious and spiritual terms
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance (Canada) |
A quite general glossary in English of key religious and spiritual concepts. The editors note that "Conservative Christian faith groups often define terms very differently than other faith groups and secular movements. The former are shown in italics in the above lists of words."
glossario buddista
Istituto Lam Rim - Associazione per gli Studi di Buddhismo Tibetano e la Meditazione |
glossario di termini e ed espressioni tipiche del buddismo
Medicine and Pathology Abbreviations and Acronyms
Jules J. Berman, Ph.D., M.D |
The following is a computer parsable list of over 12,000 abbreviations used in medicine and pathology