Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 26 results
Maritime EN>ES-ES Glossary
Escuela de Marina Civil, Universidad de Oviedo |
Glossary of maritime terms. There's an Spanish to English version on the same site, too.
English-Spanish Glossary of Terms Relating to Higher Education & Student Financial Aid
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and others |
This glossary is maintained and supported by a group of organizations involved in student financial aid and in promoting access to higher education to Hispanics throughout the country: Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities,National Association for College Admission Counseling, National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators... View more
Glosare in toate domeniile
Reea- Silvia |
este o colectie de glosare in diverse domenii: Arts & Culture Dance, Music, Theatre, ... Business Communications, Management, Manufacturing, ... Careers & Employment Computers & Internet Internet, Networks, Smileys, ... Economy & Finance Insurance, Investment, Stock Market, ... Education Family & Relationships Adoption, Children, Gen... View more
Ecology and Environmental Dictionary |
Strictly speaking Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms and their environments. Nowadays our minds are rightly occupied with nature preservation issues when hearing "ecological" or "environmental". This is the right place to find what you don´t know.
A collection of Naval slang, abbreviations, legends and historical tit-bits which was originally compiled by Commander A. Covey-Crump, RN, a former Naval Assistant to the Chief of Naval Information. The first edition appeared on 17th May, 1955. It is re-produced here and provides a valuable resource for researchers looking for answers to many histo... View more
Glossary of Tall Ship Terms
Lady Love Productions |
This Glossary was compiled for The Lady Washington Home Page by Mark Olson and Andrea Aldridge. Copyright 1998 by Lady Love Productions.
This glossary of maritime terms is offered as an aid to better understanding what is meant by those who make their living from ports and ships.
Glossary of Marine/Shipping terms |
Practical Shipping Vocabulary.
The choice of the terms and sewords listed is that they are in use on board commercial ships and should be part of the general knowledge of shipping office, deck or engine officers, among many others.
Terms and abbreviations are permanently changing, errors are often found even in the most famous BA pu... View more
Naval Terminology
USS Rankin |
This glossary lists many of the specialized words used aboard Navy ships. It includes technical terms and nautical slang, plus everyday words with shipboard origins.
French-English Glossary of Linguistic Terms
SIL International |
This glossary contains 7,256 French linguistic terms and 7,510 English linguistic terms. As a glossary, it does not define the terms but simply gives the equivalent(s) in the other language. Lexical and semantic relationships are displayed for many of the terms in both languages. Domains or schools of thought are also shown for many terms. All the ... View more
Nautical Glossary
Taylor Made Systems |
Excellent detailed monolingual dictionary of nautical terms
(52 pages) Considering the distinct international character of the field of accidental marine pollution preparedness and response, REMPEC has considered useful to elaborate an English-French, French-English lexicon of anti-pollution terminology. The document consists of two parts: - First part: English-French - Second part: French-English In... View more
Trilingual Cycling Glossary
Elizabeth Fragua / Public Works and Government Services - Canada | http://www.bureaudelatraduction.gc....
The Trilingual Cycling Glossary (English - French - Spanish) was prepared in anticipation of the upcoming Hamilton Road World Cycling Championships scheduled for October 6-12, 2003. It contains over 200 entries, including terminological information on cycling in general.
Downloadable PDF file. Glossary starts from page 15.
Diccionario náutico
Escuela superior de la marina civil. Gij�n - Universidad de Oviedo |
Longish glossary of terms related to merchant sailing, mostly parts of ships and components. I've found a few typos in English, but I think it's generally reliable
Vocabulary in several languages about ships, customs, navigation, ports.
French/English Glossary of Linguistic Terms
SIL International |
This glossary contains 6,961 French linguistic terms and 7,132 English linguistic terms. As a glossary, it does not define the terms but simply gives the equivalent(s) in the other language. Lexical and semantic relationships are displayed for many of the terms in both languages. Domains or schools of thought are also shown for many terms. All the ... View more
The Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships
Accounting Terminology Guide
The New York State Society of CPAs (NYSSCPA) General Committee |
The New York State Society of CPAs (NYSSCPA) General Committee on Public Relations has prepared this glossary as an educational tool for journalists who report on and interpret financial information. We encourage your comments and suggestions as we continue to develop materials to assist financial journalists. How to Use this Guide Capitali... View more
Nautical Terms Glossary
The Bosun's Mate dictionary of Nautical Terms |
The Bosun's Mate dictionary of Nautical Terms has been compiled from many sources and is constantly being augmented and revised in our attempt to capture as much of the rich yet complicated (and often conflicting) maritime termonology as possible. You will find an extensive list of information about all sorts of nautical items from sailor's kno... View more
Maritim ordbog stikord, 3888 forskellige ord, 6639 henvisninger.
William Falconer's Dictionary of the Marine
National Library of Australia |
En>En Fr>En
Den store maritime ordbog
Danish navy. |
Formålet med siden er at give svar på en række af de ord, begreber og vendinger, der anvendes indenfor såvel militær som civil søfart. Der vil også forekomme andre militære udtryk i ordbogen samt almindelige gamle danske ord - hvor disse passer ind i sammenhængen.
Trilingual Cycling Glossary
Translation Bureau of Canada |
PDF file, 92 pages, 2003. Terminology Bulletin 253. "The Trilingual Cycling Glossary was prepared in anticipation of the upcoming Hamilton Road World Cycling Championships scheduled for October 6-12, 2003. It contains over 200 entries, including terminological information on cycling in general." • Lexique trilingue sur le cyclisme / Léxico trilingü... View more
This dictionary and wordlist translates ancient nautical and maritime terms to and from English to various languages, dead and living. It is a reference work for researchers, etymologists and those who have an interest in traditional, historic and ancient sailing craft. The bias is on the Northern European languages so far, but those included are: ... View more