Translation Glossaries from the Web
Search and contribute to this directory of translation glossaries online
6851-6875 of 8054 results
Culinary glossary |
Bulgarian culinary glossary / Кулинарен глосар
Machine Translations into Bulgarian
Scycode WebTrance |
Machine translation tool for English texts that needs Bulgarian translation. This may be useful for very simple texts and vocabulary, but don't count on it otherwise. Could be a real nightmare
Very concise online dictionary, but still may be helful
Can be useful when it comes to localizations into Bulgarian
A simple EN>BG and BG>EN online dictionary. The user interface was not translated into English, so if you enter the Bulgarian word into the field on the left and push on the OK button you will get the English translation. The field in the right side is for English words that needs translation into Bulgarian.
Collection of official documents concerning Polish foreign policy and their translations. Large corpus with easy-to-handle HTML structure.
AdaNet Mitoloji |
Turkish monolingual source on Greek mythology; consist of 2 sections, one with summaries of mythological stories, the other a genealogy of deities with links to relevant stories. Useful source for transliteration problems in this field, as well.
The Guide is offered on-line in five languages (English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese) Translations of terms into English and glossary of terms in all languages
Ευρετήριο Όρων Διεθνούς Εμπορίου Index of International Commerce Terms
Small German-English, English-German dictionary on watches
English monolingual glossary of wastewater terms
Γλωσσάρι όρων ηλεκτρονικής ισχύος και ενέργειας / Glossary of
Nyomdai sz�t�r / Printing Glossary
Micropress Nyomda |
Monolingual glossary of printing
Banque de depannage linguistique
Gouvernement du Quebec |
Tres bien fait, facile a naviguer. Aussi des modeles de factures, de lettres.
le principal de ce qu'il faut savoir sur la reforme de l'orthographe de 1990.
Could be helpful with abbreviations
Glossary of radiotechnical words and abbreviations
Den store maritime ordbog
Danish navy. |
Formålet med siden er at give svar på en række af de ord, begreber og vendinger, der anvendes indenfor såvel militær som civil søfart. Der vil også forekomme andre militære udtryk i ordbogen samt almindelige gamle danske ord - hvor disse passer ind i sammenhængen.
Umfangreiches durchsuchbares Glossar von Begriffen und Abkürzungen aus Internet, Raumfahrt, Elektronik usw.
AV Encyclopaedia
The "Russian Game" trade company |
A useful audio/video glossary
Site in German. Colleagues have used it to successfully collect debt at little cost. The Zentrale Mahngericht for creditors outside Germany is: > Zentrales Mahngericht > z.H. Frau Bochow > beim AG Wedding > Grünewaldstraße > 10823 Berlin > Deutschland
Informations legales sur les entreprises francaises
Greffes des tribunaux de commerce |
Tres utile pour avoir des renseignements sur la situation legale d'une entreprise francaise pour vos factures.
Plain-English definitions for over a thousand legal terms, from the common to the bizarre.
I termini più comuni legati al gioco del golf
The most extensive dictionary of travel industry terms available anywhere.
Japanese -> English list of various illness. Also "Dictionary of Oral Diseases", "Dental Terminologies" and their symptoms are discussed and listed in different pages. Not very expansive but good site to gain basic knowledge in this area.
English-Croatian & Croatian-English Dictionary
Goran Igaly's EH Dictionary |
The official interface to EH Dictionary (the biggest and constantly growing EN<>HR dictionary available in readable plain text file, edited by Goran Igaly). Advanced search capabilities and dictionary download in plain text format. Links to several standalone programs that use EH Dictionary database are also available.
The most comprehensive English-Swahili and Swahili-English dictionary. You can search, browse and download it.
A glossary of typical Argentine terms. With humor, in this site non-argentines can learn the subtle differences between other Latin American or Spanish terms, and the language used by Argentines. Very useful when translating from Argentine Spanish, and also for other Spanish speaking people to know what Argentine Spanish is all about. It includes a... View more
emek hayarden college |
Glosario de T�rminos Contables en Ingl�s
Econ�micas On Line |
En este sitio web encontrrán los siguinetes glosarios: Diccionario Inglés-Español Glosario políglota contable Glosario de términos de Internet
Several combination languages with Romanian.
Basic Definitions Presenting Data Sampling Probability Confidence Intervals Hypothesis Testing Paired Data, Correlation and Regression Design of Experiments and ANOVA Categorical Data Non-parametric Methods Time Series Data Alphabetical Index of All Entries
Incomplete Romanian monolingual dictionary
Spanish governmental institutions (etc) and how they are called in English. Quite useful! (with links)