Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 31 '11 eng>fra secure the award garantir l'adjudication pro closed ok
- Aug 29 '11 eng>fra in which easy closed ok
- Aug 28 '11 eng>fra rather vulgarly et comment, c'est grossier... pro closed ok
- Aug 24 '11 eng>fra all the way up and down un vrai défi, en haut comme au bas de l'échelle pro closed ok
- Aug 14 '11 eng>fra immediate high trip immédiat pro closed no
- Aug 12 '11 eng>fra Leading Behaviours campaign nouvelle campagne des comportements dominants pro closed ok
- Aug 9 '11 eng>fra to lead for je mène/je conduis pro closed no
4 Aug 8 '11 eng>fra I was in school ten twelve J'ai été à l'école dix, douze ans pro closed no
- Aug 2 '11 eng>fra doing what needs to be done to keep a clean desk faire le nécessaire pour classer les affaires courantes pro closed no
- Aug 4 '11 eng>fra social scene très connu(e) sur la scène sociale pour sa clientèle branchée pro closed ok
- Aug 5 '11 eng>fra Is it ever time to... N’est-il pas temps de dire non? pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered