Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 8 '11 eng>fra we are humbled by it Et maintenant nous comprenons/ pro closed no
- Jul 21 '06 eng>fra 3 blind guys (ici) 3 non initiés pro closed ok
- Jul 11 '06 eng>fra are shared among... trois..."ont accès à ces infrastructures" or "se partagent ces infrastructures" pro closed no
- May 23 '06 eng>fra Too many bags are not enough Avoir trop de sacs n'est pas un problème pro closed no
4 Nov 21 '05 eng>fra save-the-date card pense-bête pro closed ok
- Sep 13 '05 eng>fra He is not right for me. Ce n'est pas l'homme qu'il me faut easy closed no
- Jun 20 '05 eng>fra Spell the name of the street you live in épelez le nom de votre rue easy closed no
4 May 28 '05 eng>fra support English and French. sont disponibles en version française et anglaise easy closed ok
- May 28 '05 eng>fra support English and French. proposent l'anglais ou le français easy closed ok
- May 25 '05 eng>fra disgrace yourself tu perdras la face si tu abandonnes pro closed ok
4 May 14 '05 eng>fra they say from a dentist, they think à cause d'un dentiste, soit-disant, c'est ce qu'ils pensent. pro closed no
- May 12 '05 eng>fra terraced buildings immeubles (ou résidences) à flanc de colline pro closed no
- May 6 '05 eng>fra pot-shot tirer à la fortune du coup easy open no
- Mar 4 '03 eng>fra Regards salutations à qualifier... easy closed ok
- Dec 8 '02 eng>fra How is your grandaughter? petite-fille easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered