Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 20 '05 deu>eng Durchbruch - Übertragung einer Situation - Berlin - New York "Breakthrough - Transition of a Situation - Berlin- New York" pro closed ok
- Feb 13 '05 deu>eng abhebenden oder erhebenden Klänge araising or elevating resonances pro closed no
- Feb 13 '05 deu>eng Klanglöcher spaces free of sound pro closed no
- Feb 13 '05 deu>eng Erhebungen 15 stone hillocks pro closed no
- Feb 13 '05 deu>eng erwürfelt randomly ascertained pro closed ok
- Jan 20 '05 deu>eng abgründiges Weltbild abysmal world view pro closed no
- Dec 1 '04 deu>eng Darstellungsgrund motive for the painting pro closed no
- Nov 28 '04 deu>eng vierköpfig the team / task force / group of four easy closed ok
3 Nov 7 '04 deu>eng Farbflächen color ground pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered