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מפרסם התגובה: Lidia Turis
Lidia Turis
Lidia Turis
Local time: 05:30
מאנגלית לאיטלקית
Nov 19, 2017

I have installed OmegaT 4.1.2_2 (on Fedora) two weeks ago and still I have no idea where to start from. I have done a little bit of groundwork on CAT tools in general and tried also Freetm and Memsource, but then went back to OmegaT which seems to b less intimidating than the other two.
From your posts I can see that you are all experts here, so forgive my question: when I open OmegaT I have several windows (glossary, machine translation, fuzzy matches etc). What is the firs
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I have installed OmegaT 4.1.2_2 (on Fedora) two weeks ago and still I have no idea where to start from. I have done a little bit of groundwork on CAT tools in general and tried also Freetm and Memsource, but then went back to OmegaT which seems to b less intimidating than the other two.
From your posts I can see that you are all experts here, so forgive my question: when I open OmegaT I have several windows (glossary, machine translation, fuzzy matches etc). What is the first thing I must do? create a project or create a glossary? Where is the translation memory? how do I create it?
Also I understand that to operate OmegaT fully you need to download other software such as an aligner. Do I need this at an early stage?
Many thanks for you reply.

Didier Briel
Didier Briel  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:30
מאנגלית לצרפתית
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Read the Instant Start tutorial Nov 20, 2017

sardin wrote:
I have installed OmegaT 4.1.2_2 (on Fedora) two weeks ago and still I have no idea where to start from. I have done a little bit of groundwork on CAT tools in general and tried also Freetm and Memsource, but then went back to OmegaT which seems to b less intimidating than the other two.
From your posts I can see that you are all experts here, so forgive my question: when I open OmegaT I have several windows (glossary, machine translation, fuzzy matches etc). What is the first thing I must do? create a project or create a glossary?

You cannot do anything until you have created a project.

Read and apply the Instant Start tutorial, which is displayed when you start OmegaT.

Where is the translation memory?

This is described in the manual:

how do I create it?

It is created automatically when you create a project.

Also I understand that to operate OmegaT fully you need to download other software such as an aligner. Do I need this at an early stage?


First, you do not necessarily need an aligner.

Secondly, OmegaT 4 has a built-in aligner (Tools > Align Files).


Eveline Gomes
Susan Welsh
Susan Welsh  Identity Verified
ארצות הברית
Local time: 23:30
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tutorial Nov 20, 2017

Download and follow the OmegaT for CAT Beginners tutorial: http://omegat.org/files/OmegaT_for_Beginners.pdf
If there are parts you find unclear or dead links, let me know, either here or privately.

When I was a beginner, I found the Instant Start tutorial insufficient and did not know what to do. The Beginners tutorial was the result.

Eveline Gomes
Lidia Turis
Lidia Turis
Local time: 05:30
מאנגלית לאיטלקית
New on OmegaT Nov 20, 2017

Many thanks to Didier and Susan. Your replies are encouraging.
I did find those instructions when I installed OmegaT, however, the Instant Start Tutorial is not sufficient for a beginner as Susan herself experienced. I was put off by the beginner's tutorial because it has been crafted for Windows users and I felt lost and "left out".

However, I will start a new project following your initial tips, and if I get stuck I will come back here, ok?

PS: it wasn't easy t
... See more
Many thanks to Didier and Susan. Your replies are encouraging.
I did find those instructions when I installed OmegaT, however, the Instant Start Tutorial is not sufficient for a beginner as Susan herself experienced. I was put off by the beginner's tutorial because it has been crafted for Windows users and I felt lost and "left out".

However, I will start a new project following your initial tips, and if I get stuck I will come back here, ok?

PS: it wasn't easy to install either. I had to ask a software engineer to do it, he said I needed to be "root" to install it.

Susan Welsh
Susan Welsh  Identity Verified
ארצות הברית
Local time: 23:30
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easy to install Nov 20, 2017

sardin wrote:

... it wasn't easy to install either. I had to ask a software engineer to do it, he said I needed to be "root" to install it.

It's very easy to install. You just have to be the administrator of your own computer, which I guess is what "root" means.

esperantisto  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:30
חבר (2006)
מאנגלית לרוסית
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User space Nov 20, 2017

In my opinion, that software engineer is a bad advisor. You don't need to be root to install OmegaT, it perfectly works in the user space. Well, you don't need to install it actually, just unarchive it.

The instant start guide has nothing specific to Windows, so read it again. It is really sufficient to start (and complete) a translation project. Thus, RTFM.

Lidia Turis
Lidia Turis
Local time: 05:30
מאנגלית לאיטלקית
OmegaT Nov 23, 2017

Just a quick note to let you know that I have created a project and progressing well so far. The only thing I don't understand is why the tm (translation memory) and glossary folders are still empty.

Lidia Turis
Lidia Turis
Local time: 05:30
מאנגלית לאיטלקית
Installation of OmegaT on Linux Nov 23, 2017

esperantisto wrote:

In my opinion, that software engineer is a bad advisor. You don't need to be root to install OmegaT, it perfectly works in the user space. Well, you don't need to install it actually, just unarchive it.

The instant start guide has nothing specific to Windows, so read it again. It is really sufficient to start (and complete) a translation project. Thus, RTFM.

Hi Esperantisto,
before OmegaT was installed properly with a visible icon I could click on to open it, I had to open a terminal and launch it using a few unix commands. Is this what you mean?
Yes, the instant guide is neutral on OS, I was referring to the OmegaT 3.5 - User's Guide by
Vito Smolej which appears to be catered more for Windows users.

Didier Briel
Didier Briel  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:30
מאנגלית לצרפתית
+ ...
The manual is not specifically "for Windows" Nov 24, 2017

sardin wrote:
Yes, the instant guide is neutral on OS, I was referring to the OmegaT 3.5 - User's Guide by
Vito Smolej which appears to be catered more for Windows users.

What makes you say that?
Chapter 3 (Installing and running OmegaT) covers Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Other systems.

Most of the rest of the manual does not refer to any operating system, only to OmegaT itself.


Didier Briel
Didier Briel  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:30
מאנגלית לצרפתית
+ ...
A few answers, read the manual Nov 24, 2017

sardin wrote:
Just a quick note to let you know that I have created a project and progressing well so far. The only thing I don't understand is why the tm (translation memory) and glossary folders are still empty.

The /tm folder is empty because you have not put anything in it.
This is explained in

The glossary folder is empty because you have not created any glossary entry.
Glossaries are explained in


Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:30
חבר (2006)
מאנגלית לאפריקאנס
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@Sardin Nov 24, 2017

sardin wrote:
The only thing I don't understand is why the tm (translation memory) and glossary folders are still empty.

For historical and other practical reasons, the writable TM is not stored in the /tm/ folder but in the /omegat/ folder. If you have your own TMs, put them in the /tm/ folder. In addition, exported TMs are not exported to the /tm/ folder either, but to the project's root folder.

The writable glossary will appear in the /glossary/ folder as soon as you add the first term to it. If you have your own glossaries that you want to read from, put them in the /glossary/ folder. You can only have one writable glossary. If you want to use one of your own glossaries as the writable glossary, you can edit the project properties (Ctrl+E in Windows). There is no export glossary function.

[Edited at 2017-11-24 12:48 GMT]

Lidia Turis
Lidia Turis
Local time: 05:30
מאנגלית לאיטלקית
You are right Nov 26, 2017

Didier Briel wrote:

sardin wrote:
Yes, the instant guide is neutral on OS, I was referring to the OmegaT 3.5 - User's Guide by
Vito Smolej which appears to be catered more for Windows users.

What makes you say that?
Chapter 3 (Installing and running OmegaT) covers Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Other systems.

Most of the rest of the manual does not refer to any operating system, only to OmegaT itself.


Yes, you are correct, I got confused with the guide for beginners produced by Susan.

Lidia Turis
Lidia Turis
Local time: 05:30
מאנגלית לאיטלקית
Let's clarify Nov 26, 2017

Samuel Murray wrote:

sardin wrote:
The only thing I don't understand is why the tm (translation memory) and glossary folders are still empty.

For historical and other practical reasons, the writable TM is not stored in the /tm/ folder but in the /omegat/ folder. If you have your own TMs, put them in the /tm/ folder. In addition, exported TMs are not exported to the /tm/ folder either, but to the project's root folder.

The writable glossary will appear in the /glossary/ folder as soon as you add the first term to it. If you have your own glossaries that you want to read from, put them in the /glossary/ folder. You can only have one writable glossary. If you want to use one of your own glossaries as the writable glossary, you can edit the project properties (Ctrl+E in Windows). There is no export glossary function.

[Edited at 2017-11-24 12:48 GMT]

I have created my first project on OmegaT which has automatically created several directories:
-omegat (it contains a file called "project_save.tmx", 2 files with .txt extension and a few files with .bak extension)
- source (it contains my original .odt file)
- target (it contains my half translated .odt file)
- tm (contains a subdirectory called "auto" which is empty)
- dictionary (empty)
- glossary (empty)

Other than the directories mentioned above under my project OmegaT has created the following files:

Which file should I move into the tm directory in order to see the translation memory and suggestions when I translate my document? I suppose this will be in the fuzzy matches pane.
Thank you

Didier Briel
Didier Briel  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:30
מאנגלית לצרפתית
+ ...
None Nov 27, 2017

sardin wrote:
I have created my first project on OmegaT which has automatically created several directories:
-omegat (it contains a file called "project_save.tmx", 2 files with .txt extension and a few files with .bak extension)
- source (it contains my original .odt file)
- target (it contains my half translated .odt file)
- tm (contains a subdirectory called "auto" which is empty)
- dictionary (empty)
- glossary (empty)

Other than the directories mentioned above under my project OmegaT has created the following files:

Which file should I move into the tm directory in order to see the translation memory and suggestions when I translate my document?


Every translation you enter is stored in /omegat/project_save.tmx.

You don't have anything else to do.

I suppose this will be in the fuzzy matches pane.

If you are not seeing anything there, that's usually because you have not translated yet a sentence similar enough.


Susan Welsh
Susan Welsh  Identity Verified
ארצות הברית
Local time: 23:30
מרוסית לאנגלית
+ ...
Beginners tutorial - operating systems Nov 27, 2017

sardin wrote:

I got confused with the guide for beginners produced by Susan.

In the Introduction to the Beginners tutorial, it says: "OmegaT is an excellent place to start, as the
price is right, it is relatively easy to learn, and it runs on MAC and under
Linux, as well as Windows."

That said, the examples given were produced on Windows. As far as I know, that should pose no problems for people on other operating systems, however (I started using OmegaT on Linux).

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