Job quotes number is different in listing and job pages (Staff: fixed)
מפרסם התגובה: Sadek_A
Sadek_A  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:24
מאנגלית לערבית
+ ...
Oct 5, 2022

As indicated in the subject above, I've been seeing the Job Quoter Counter actually counting page visit(or)s.

I noticed the trend with myself being one of the visit(or)s but not the quoters, still I got counted.

This is worrying, as it creates (1) fake competition, (2) falsified market supply, and (3) undeserved leverage to the benefit of client.

Additionally, there is discrepancy in the counter for exactly the same job, between the specific job's page and
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As indicated in the subject above, I've been seeing the Job Quoter Counter actually counting page visit(or)s.

I noticed the trend with myself being one of the visit(or)s but not the quoters, still I got counted.

This is worrying, as it creates (1) fake competition, (2) falsified market supply, and (3) undeserved leverage to the benefit of client.

Additionally, there is discrepancy in the counter for exactly the same job, between the specific job's page and the general job search page!

Anyone else noticing any of this?

Mr. Satan (X)
Mr. Satan (X)
מאנגלית לאינדונזית
Interesting Oct 10, 2022

I've never noticed it before. Is that really true? That would explain a lot of things for me.

Sadek_A wrote:

Additionally, there is discrepancy in the counter for exactly the same job, between the specific job's page and the general job search page!

This one I know. But I always thought of it as ProZ's counters not being updated yet. I mean, it took them a day or two to update my KudoZ score. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

Lucia Leszinsky
Lucia Leszinsky
צוות האתר
Could not reproduce issue described Oct 10, 2022

Hello Sadek_A,

Sorry for the delay in a reply. I just checked what you report, and I am afraid I could not reproduce what you mention. Clicking on "Submit quote" for a job, and loading the job quoting form, did not add any new quote to the quotes counter for that job. Also, the number of quotes in the list of jobs stayed the same --I even checked quotes for several jobs to make sure the numbers were correct, and they were.)

Would you mind submitting a support request wi
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Hello Sadek_A,

Sorry for the delay in a reply. I just checked what you report, and I am afraid I could not reproduce what you mention. Clicking on "Submit quote" for a job, and loading the job quoting form, did not add any new quote to the quotes counter for that job. Also, the number of quotes in the list of jobs stayed the same --I even checked quotes for several jobs to make sure the numbers were correct, and they were.)

Would you mind submitting a support request with screenshots so that we can take a look at this and make sure counters are working as expected everywhere? Thanks in advance!


Sadek_A  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:24
מאנגלית לערבית
+ ...
... Oct 11, 2022

Mr. Satan wrote:
I've never noticed it before.

It would so much help if everyone kept their eyes peeled from now on and reported any such problem, as it's a dangerous problem for the reasons indicated in my first post.

Lucia Leszinsky wrote:
Sorry for the delay in a reply.

That's fine, Lucia, and thanks for your reply.

Lucia Leszinsky wrote:
Could not reproduce issue described. I just checked what you report, and I am afraid I could not reproduce what you mention. Clicking on "Submit quote" for a job, and loading the job quoting form, did not add any new quote to the quotes counter for that job.

I didn't even click submit or load the form. The mere visit of the page gets counted as a quote!

Here is the situation:

In the early period of publishing the job, I would be at the general job-search page examining the brief and seeing the no. of quoters in my pair (which would be X, where X is a random value), then I immediately open the specific project's page and there the value is (X+1) in my specific pair, despite the fact I haven't quoted or done anything at all, I just visited the page.

And, we can't argue that maybe in the interval between being on the general job-search page and accessing the specific job's page, someone else in the exact, specific same pair might have quoted.

Coincidences happen, but when they happen every time they cease to be coincidences. And, that has been happening every time for a period of time now.

Moreover, during the late period of publishing the job, the general job-search page starts to mention a different number of quotes than the specific job's page.

It is worth mentioning that I posted this topic on the 6th of October and only got published yesterday the 10th, which is fine in itself; however, few hours after having posted the topic on the 6th, the discrepancy got corrected to reflect same value on both pages.

Being unable to post screenshots here, links to them are below:

Lucia Leszinsky
Lucia Leszinsky
צוות האתר
Thanks Sadek_A, developers are looking into this Oct 13, 2022

I was able to find the job you mention, and referred this to development to be processed internally.

I'll post back here as soon as I have any news.


Sadek_A  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:24
מאנגלית לערבית
+ ...
... Oct 13, 2022

Lucia Leszinsky wrote:

I was able to find the job you mention, and referred this to development to be processed internally.

I'll post back here as soon as I have any news.


Thank you.

Lucia Leszinsky
Lucia Leszinsky
צוות האתר
Fixed Oct 14, 2022

Hello again, Sadek_A.

Developers finally found a cache issue and fixed it. The number of quotes should be the same in both the listing page and individual job pages.

Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.

Have a nice weekend!


Sadek_A  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:24
מאנגלית לערבית
+ ...
... Oct 14, 2022

Lucia Leszinsky wrote:

Hello again, Sadek_A.

Developers finally found a cache issue and fixed it. The number of quotes should be the same in both the listing page and individual job pages.

Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.

Have a nice weekend!


Once again, thank you, and a nice weekend to you too.

I will keep an eye out for any future occurrence of the sort and report it here.


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Job quotes number is different in listing and job pages (Staff: fixed)

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