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מאנגלית לסינית סביבה & אקולוגיה Translation Glossary

אנגלית term סינית translation
individual performance tests 单独性能测试
Entered by: Julia Zou
trial batches of mixed-fuels 混合燃料批量测试
Entered by: Julia Zou
"defend itself fully " 全力为自己辩护
a more environmentally sustainable future 更有利于环境持续发展的未来
a strengthened programme 强化计划
account for 评估
Entered by: David Lin
adapted to the assumptions in each case 适应各种预想情形的
Entered by: Julia Zou
Administrative Order on Consent xxx同意的行政命令
advanced oxidation for waste 废料的深度氧化
alumina injection devices 膕甮杆竚
among other attributes (除了以上特点以外)尤其是...
artificially 人为地
Assement of climate impacts on alpine discharge regimes with climate model uncertainty 利用气候模型不确定性(分析方法/理论)预测/评估气候(变化)对(瑞士)阿尔卑斯山地区径流量变化规律的影响
attrition rate 损耗率
B&B nursery stock 麻布包根移栽植株
back drafting 倒流通风,逆通风
Bailie Process 貝利處理程序
better adaptation to negative shocks suffered by an ecosystem 对生态系统遭受的不利冲击有更强的适应力(恢复力)
bird proof intake grill 防鸟进风口架
Breakthrough probability 突破/超标概率
BTUH/SF/YEAR 每年之每平方英尺之英制热量单位
Entered by: Dr. Chun Biao Li
buffer strips 缓冲带、缓冲地带
carbon footprint 碳(生态)足迹
chemical batching systems 化学配料系统
Climate Solutions Computing Initiative 气候解决方案数据处理/计算机应用开拓型计划
Entered by: Dr. Chun Biao Li
corrosive chemical handling 腐蚀性化学品处理
Curve Number (径流)曲线数值/CN 值
daylight transparency factor 日光透射率
desertification 荒漠化
downsized-turbocharged engines 小型涡轮增压引擎
Drum reconditioning 桶翻修
embedded carbon 隐含碳
Entered by: Dr. Chun Biao Li
exotic 外源
filter change protocol 过滤器更换规则
full-like symptoms 胀感
global warming 全球变暖
heavy metal removal 重金属清除
hygienic integrity 卫生完备、保健无虞
IDEAS 备选战略评估知情决策支持
impact 冲击、影响
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