Article: “Intersections between real and virtual world: some fears in Internet.”
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Nov 16, 2008

This topic is for discussion of the translation article "“Intersections between real and virtual world: some fears in Internet.”".

JoeYeckley (X)
JoeYeckley (X)

מרוסית לאנגלית
But the real world solutions still work Nov 20, 2008

Interesting article. I agree that most of the stresses of real-world interaction find their analogs in cyberspace.

That's logical, for one thing, because I have yet to hear of a way of thinking about or describing the internet that does not rely on some real world phenomenon. There are maps, rooms, sites, gateways, shopping carts, etc. Also, as with the real world, there are faces and personae that we use to help maintain distance and safety in some settings and abandon them in oth
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Interesting article. I agree that most of the stresses of real-world interaction find their analogs in cyberspace.

That's logical, for one thing, because I have yet to hear of a way of thinking about or describing the internet that does not rely on some real world phenomenon. There are maps, rooms, sites, gateways, shopping carts, etc. Also, as with the real world, there are faces and personae that we use to help maintain distance and safety in some settings and abandon them in others.

In the latter instance there is unarguably a difference in degrees. People are buried more deeply behind their Digg profiles than they could manage in physical space, and the amount that is revealed on MySpace goes beyond what most of the space-holders would have the nerve to reval IRL.

What we have then is an extension of culture. What I find interesting is that in my own interaction, I find that I deal more an more easily with some people from around the globe than I do with certain members of my local community. For example, I get along much better with Ukrainian political progressives than I do with Pennsylvanian conservatives.

In my view, all revolution is part of human evolution. Some revolutions die out, and we waste time and effort t sustain them. Others persist and lead to the next thing. The internet, cell phones and other integrative technologies are clearly among the latter. They won't go away until something does what they do and better.


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Article: “Intersections between real and virtual world: some fears in Internet.”

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