Article: Keeping your PC clean and safe
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Jun 27, 2005

This topic is for discussion of the translation article "Keeping your PC clean and safe".

Manuel Rodriguez
Manuel Rodriguez  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:18
מאנגלית לספרדית
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Safe freeware? Jul 1, 2005

Are freewares safe? I don't want to download any anti-virus or anti-spam packages if they're going to infiltrate my PC and ruin everything. What is your experience with them?

Thanks a bunch for those other tips!

Uldis Liepkalns
Uldis Liepkalns  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:18
חבר (2003)
מאנגלית ללטבית
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I may repeat myself here Jul 1, 2005

but my deceased grandmother used to say that even cheese in a mousetrap isn't *free*- someone *HAS* paid for the cheese. So in all cases of *FREE* software, IMO, the best deal you get is "no guarantees whatsoever".
The worst we can only guess


PS. I can't but admire all these people that in all Antivirus discussions here on ProZ who believe the best Antivirus is free Antivirus. That is knowing
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but my deceased grandmother used to say that even cheese in a mousetrap isn't *free*- someone *HAS* paid for the cheese. So in all cases of *FREE* software, IMO, the best deal you get is "no guarantees whatsoever".
The worst we can only guess


PS. I can't but admire all these people that in all Antivirus discussions here on ProZ who believe the best Antivirus is free Antivirus. That is knowing that they know that new viruses appear hourly and free Antiviruses update their antivirus databases about weekly at best.

As to the article- IMHO, it is good, but lacks right these points
on free sofware, as well as some things in the article is though basically correct, but too simplyfied.


Manuel Rodriguez wrote:

Are freewares safe? I don't want to download any anti-virus or anti-spam packages if they're going to infiltrate my PC and ruin everything. What is your experience with them?

Thanks a bunch for those other tips!

[Edited at 2005-07-01 23:46]

Konstantin Kisin
Konstantin Kisin  Identity Verified
הממלכה המאוחדת
Local time: 22:18
מרוסית לאנגלית
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freeware normally has a pay-for version Jul 3, 2005

Take the example of ZoneAlarm, the firewall I mention in the article. It has a Pro version and a free version. The free one is just the firewall, the Pro one costs money but offers additional functionality.

This is the case with other programs mentioned in my article (spybot, ad-aware etc). Just like at the platinum members have paid for the website for all members, owners of Pro versions have paid for our ability to use the free versions.

This pretty much guar
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Take the example of ZoneAlarm, the firewall I mention in the article. It has a Pro version and a free version. The free one is just the firewall, the Pro one costs money but offers additional functionality.

This is the case with other programs mentioned in my article (spybot, ad-aware etc). Just like at the platinum members have paid for the website for all members, owners of Pro versions have paid for our ability to use the free versions.

This pretty much guarantees that these programs will not ruin your PC

If you want to spend money on anti-virus software that's your decision. Personally, I wouldn't because you can protect your PC without spending money but if it makes you feel safer, you're welcome to do it. You get exactly the same guarantee (none) with commercial versions - if a virus gets on your computer you can't sue the company which sold you the anti-virus program.

The article was simplified quite intentionally - those who are aware of the whole situation are unlikely to need any advice since they have already taken the steps described in it. The purpose was to give a brief overview and suggestions for people who *weren't* already aware of these issues.

Walter Landesman
Walter Landesman  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:18
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Miranda is a bad girl! Nov 21, 2005

Hi Konstantin,
You said:
"4. If you currently use MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger you should remove them immediately. An alternative all-in-one program called Miranda is available without the vulnerabilities
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Hi Konstantin,
You said:
"4. If you currently use MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger you should remove them immediately. An alternative all-in-one program called Miranda is available without the vulnerabilities and is described in more detail here:"

I followed this advice and installed Miranda two days ago. But I could not make Yahoo Messenger work through Miranda. I browsed all over Miranda`s site for help. I found many forums about the same problem, people complaining about not being able to make Yahoo Messenger work. Some advices were given to them, unsuccesfully. I followed the same advices, but I could not fix the problem either.

This program was supposed to be made so that we could save time. However, I spent many hours just trying to make it work. I don`t have time to waste. I uninstalled Miranda for good and went back to the real thing, the original messenger programs.
Sorry. End of the story.


Konstantin Kisin
Konstantin Kisin  Identity Verified
הממלכה המאוחדת
Local time: 22:18
מרוסית לאנגלית
+ ...
... Nov 21, 2005


I'm sorry to hear about your experience with Miranda & Yahoo. I have been using both for about a year now with no problem. I would ask questions about how exactly it wasn't working but since you've uninstalled it there is little to be done. I will amend my article to warn people about possible problems.

Unfortunately no software is 100% bug-free.



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Article: Keeping your PC clean and safe

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