| נושא | מפרסם תגובות (תצוגות) הודעה אחרונה |
| Poll: Do you use time tracking software? ( 1... 2) | 21 (4,679) |
| Poll: Do you accept jobs that are offensive in nature? ( 1... 2) | 26 (5,089) |
| Poll: Have you taken any courses on service marketing? | 10 (2,339) |
| Poll: Do you keep the availability calendar in your profile updated? ( 1... 2) | 20 (4,431) |
| Poll: Have you ever discovered that by sheer coincidence you know someone mentioned in a translation job? | 10 (2,390) |
| Poll: Handedness and language skills may be connected. Which is your dominant hand? | 9 (2,447) |
| Poll: Have you ever been tipped for your services? | 13 (2,813) |
| Poll: Do you ever sacrifice quality for speed? ( 1... 2) | 21 (5,576) |
| Poll: Where do you usually sit while you are working? ( 1... 2) | 28 (5,631) |
| Poll: Have you ever been disappointed when meeting clients in person? ( 1... 2) | 18 (4,077) |
| Poll: Which of the following is your foremost priority? ( 1... 2) | 22 (4,693) |
| Poll: What aspect of being a freelance translator do you find hardest to deal with? ( 1... 2) | 17 (4,322) |
| Poll: Do you have a watermark on your resume/CV? ( 1... 2) | 17 (7,229) |
| Poll: Creative vs. non-creative translation: which do you prefer to do? | 11 (2,820) |
| Poll: Do you generally accept projects from rude project managers? | 12 (3,442) |
| Poll: What makes you happier: winning a project or finishing it? | 12 (2,677) |
| Poll: Do you postpone your personal affairs because of sudden job offers? | 14 (3,256) |
| Poll: When are you usually most productive? ( 1... 2) | 22 (4,532) |
| Poll: Where do you store your work? | 7 (2,384) |
| Poll: What is your payment policy when doing small translations for individuals? | 12 (2,578) |
| Poll: Is there a day of the week when you typically have less translation work than other days? | 11 (2,815) |
| Poll: Do you actively market your language services? ( 1... 2) | 16 (3,805) |
| Poll: Do you refer your clients to a trusted colleague if you are unavailable? ( 1... 2) | 15 (3,587) |
| Poll: What do you most enjoy about your work? ( 1, 2... 3) | 34 (7,486) |
| Poll: Do you ask for a minimum charge for a very small project? ( 1... 2) | 15 (3,726) |
| Poll: Do you ever use pen and paper when working on a project? | 12 (2,800) |
| Poll: Do you have a blog? | 12 (2,834) |
| Poll: Have you attended any course to strengthen your expertise after you started working as a translator? | 10 (2,738) |
| Poll: How would you describe your work-related stress level on an ongoing basis? | 10 (2,491) |
| Poll: Do you follow-up your quotations by phone? ( 1... 2) | 20 (4,084) |
| Poll: Do you accept projects outside of your areas of specialization? | 12 (2,907) |
| Poll: Approximately how often do you raise your standard rates for your existing clients? | 14 (3,278) |
| Poll: Do you intend to sell your freelance business when you retire? ( 1... 2) | 19 (4,762) |
| Poll: How long did it take you to make a living from translation? | 12 (2,975) |
| Poll: How long is a typical job/project for you? ( 1... 2) | 15 (3,642) |
| Poll: If you use a CAT tool, do you think it has increased your income? | 11 (2,875) |
| Poll: Do you do any sort of volunteer work as a translator or interpreter? | 9 (2,575) |
| Poll: How many monitors do you use in your work? ( 1... 2) | 19 (4,395) |
| Poll: Do you ever use machine translation? | 10 (2,477) |
| Poll: How often do you take a break while working on a large project? | 9 (2,127) |
| Poll: Have you ever hired a third party proofreader for one of your translations? | 14 (3,004) |
| Poll: Do you offer technical translation services? ( 1... 2) | 19 (3,943) |
| Poll: What is the main reason for which you decide to stop working with clients? | 11 (2,801) |
| Poll: Have you ever missed a deadline? ( 1... 2) | 15 (3,674) |
| Poll: Do you ever outsource work to your colleagues? | 13 (2,722) |
| Poll: How thoroughly do you research a new client before accepting their job offer? | 9 (2,368) |
| Poll: Do you respond to enquiries for potential jobs? ( 1... 2) | 20 (4,532) |
| Poll: Do you ever receive job requests with very flexible deadlines? | 11 (2,798) |
| Poll: Is translation work your main source of income? | 10 (2,613) |
| Poll: Are you a full or part-time translator/interpreter? | 11 (3,017) |