Conference junkies (Topic: BP19 in Bologna... plus, conferences in general)
מפרסם התגובה: Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Local time: 21:22 team
Apr 29, 2019

Will be at the BP19 conference in Bologna this week – my first BP event. Look forward to meeting anyone who is there!

What role do conferences play in your professional life, if any? Do you have favourites for learning, networking, atmosphere? Are there some you never miss?

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2019-04-30 03:14 GMT]

John Di Rico
John Di Rico  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:22
חבר (2006)
מצרפתית לאנגלית
+ ...
Very important to attend events Apr 29, 2019

I can't stress how important it is to attend conferences, especially for newbies. I have met the majority of my clients attending industry events. Some examples:
- Sitting next to an LSP owner during a conference lunch has resulted in over €200k in business over the last 10 years.
- Attending an after-party during another conference resulted in meeting a client and €20k in business.

I have attended the ATA conference every year since 2008 and never miss the annual Wo
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I can't stress how important it is to attend conferences, especially for newbies. I have met the majority of my clients attending industry events. Some examples:
- Sitting next to an LSP owner during a conference lunch has resulted in over €200k in business over the last 10 years.
- Attending an after-party during another conference resulted in meeting a client and €20k in business.

I have attended the ATA conference every year since 2008 and never miss the annual Wordfast Forward conference (would be hard to as I organize it!). I used to organize and attend conferences but those sort of died out a few years ago. A few other favorites (or annual event organizers):
- IJET (when in Japan)
- Elia events

Never been to BP but I have heard lots of good things about it.

So much to learn at these events (to help make our profession more professional) and so much to be gained from networking. Plus, if you go with a positive attitude, you end up having a lot of fun.

See you around!


Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Local time: 21:22 team
Wow Apr 29, 2019

Well that is certainly a ringing endorsement. Glad it's worked out so well – and lucratively – for you John!

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:22
חבר (2007)
+ ...
Sad demise Apr 29, 2019

John Di Rico wrote:
I used to organize and attend conferences but those sort of died out a few years ago.

They were really worthwhile events and also enjoyable. I miss them.

I'm going to the SfEP (Society for Editors and Proofreaders) conference in September but I'm not looking forward to it quite as much. It's very much a UK organisation and I suppose many of the attendees will be monolingual and most will be British. I love the melting-pot of languages and cultures you get at a translation conference.

Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Andrew Morris
Local time: 21:22 team
Rising from the ashes Apr 29, 2019

Well that's interesting Sheila. Maybe they can be revived?

I certainly agree about the cosmopolitan pull of an international gathering – isn't that part of what drew us all to languages in the first place?

darkokoporcic  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:22
חבר (2005)
מגרמנית לסלובנית
+ ... International Conferences Jun 5, 2019

does anyone know what happened to those? I have attended 2 (+ a few regional ones) but they seem to have become extinct for some reason?

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:22
חבר (2007)
+ ...
The ProZ Pearl Conference Jun 10, 2019

Andrew Morris wrote:

Well that's interesting Sheila. Maybe they can be revived?

I certainly agree about the cosmopolitan pull of an international gathering – isn't that part of what drew us all to languages in the first place?

Isn't there a 30th anniversary in the offing? It seems like an ideal opportunity to relaunch the conferences. And I know just the man for the job, Andrew (or John) .


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Conference junkies (Topic: BP19 in Bologna... plus, conferences in general)

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