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The strangest experience
מפרסם התגובה: Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 21:29
מצרפתית לאנגלית
+ ...
Sep 5, 2012

Allow me to relate to you one of the strangest experiences I have ever had in my six years of translation. Although I am not necessarily looking for answers – the matter is resolved for all intents and purposes, and as you will see, I dearly paid for my mistakes –, your thoughts on what happened would be interesting to read.

It all started early last year when a trusted colleague/friend put me in contact with an acquaintance of hers, a well-known magician, to carry out some tra
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Allow me to relate to you one of the strangest experiences I have ever had in my six years of translation. Although I am not necessarily looking for answers – the matter is resolved for all intents and purposes, and as you will see, I dearly paid for my mistakes –, your thoughts on what happened would be interesting to read.

It all started early last year when a trusted colleague/friend put me in contact with an acquaintance of hers, a well-known magician, to carry out some translations for his on-line explanations of card tricks. The magician, by the way, is fully bilingual in my pair; I have already seen his acts on American television. As he was happy with my work, he offered to hire me to translate a book about neuro-linguistic programming. This magician would act as publisher but did not write the book in question.

I translated the book in the month of June last year. It wasn’t long but it still took a good three weeks of solid work to do. I was very careful about the wording, as the technique revolves around the use of words that appeal to the senses. Whenever I had a doubt or had to modify a metaphor, for example, to have it fit into the English-speaking mind-set, I contacted the publisher and we spoke about it. I was therefore quite confident that he would be happy with the work. He said he was and paid me on time, and I moved on to other projects.

In the month of December, the author’s mother, also the author of works on –how can I put it? psychology – gleaned my contact information and sent me a couple of short translations. Some of the content gave me pause: for one thing, a total misinterpretation of the term “scientific method” that was obviously meant to manipulate readers. Unconsciously, I went beyond my role of translator in an effort to not mix up real science, which I have great respect for, and this mystical theory (involving, among other things, having a double in another dimension who can help you make decisions). I know now that it was a mistake on my part to pursue the translation, as I kept thinking that the text was a load of hooey. My work must have reflected that; for example, I found another way to word the term “scientific method”. I should have recognized that there was an ethical conflict at work here; but after mentioning my work on the subject of magic, I had been hired elsewhere to translate a psychic website and descriptions of tarot cards, and none of that had bothered me.

To make a long story short, this person was not happy with the result. She made a number of suggestions that I worked into the translation as best I could. After a number of increasingly annoying exchanges on the subject, which took more time than the translation itself, I told her that I was not the translator that she was looking for, and respectfully requested that she try someone else. I did not bill her my time. I remained as crisp and professional as anyone can be, and left it at that. But she didn’t. She sent me a flood of messages, analysing my reaction, giving me unsolicited advice on my life and how I should behave. I did not respond to those, nor to her many requests to be a “friend” received since through social networks.

Now I must put you in the context of my personal life at the time: I was heavily pregnant with my twin girls and barely able to remain sitting up; but I continued working because I knew that I would take a maternity leave and would be living on my savings during that time. It all came to a head the night that I went into labour. It is a little surreal to admit, but I was still working to finish up the translation of a website for a tourist board when my water broke. I decided to pursue the hour or so of work that remained and shut down the shop after that for a couple of months. I now believe that I was in an altered state of mind and just wanted to get my business in order when the following event took place.

What do you think happened? The magician-publisher called me, out of his mind with anger. The first thing that came to mind was the link between this manipulative pseudo- psychologist that I had inadvertently ruffled and her son’s book. And what do you know –my translation of the book, which had been accepted six months earlier, was suddenly unacceptable. He told me that the translation had been on the verge of being published, but that “someone” had read it and discovered that the method didn’t work when the English words were spoken. I held my tongue as to the obvious, and asked that he send me some examples of my mistakes. He said there were too many to count, that the whole thing was wrong, and that I would be taken to court for having ruined a book deal, as the apparent problem would mean that the translation could not be published. Faced with my protestations, he said that the author himself was not happy with me, and had threatened to warn the other authors lined up for publishing that this publisher was in the habit of hiring worthless translators.

Needless to say, I was petrified, as like most freelance translators I do not have professional coverage for this type of problem and cannot confidently challenge someone to take me to court. Besides, the whole project was so far in the past that I couldn’t remember my words, and was too flustered to find them and go through them. So I cut the story short and asked him for his Paypal address. Then, as in a dream, I made a reimbursement for the book translation. I was relieved to be rid of the problem. Then I went to the hospital and gave birth.

I still think about this experience and am especially bitter about the reimbursement that I made when I was at my most vulnerable. Later, when I felt less peculiar about the whole thing, I told the story to the colleague/friend who had originally put me in contact with the publisher, and she took up for me as a reliable translator.

I had a look today on the Internet to see if the book had been published, and it has. From what I can see from reading the pitch, a new translation has indeed been done, with words that mean the same thing but are phrased differently. If I had seen that they had published my version, I would have known what to do: buy it and make a case for myself. Well, that isn’t in the cards. But I still feel that something very unfair happened, and I suppose that this post is a form of closure. Thanks for reading.

[Edited at 2012-09-05 12:51 GMT]

Mervyn Henderson (X)
Mervyn Henderson (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:29
מספרדית לאנגלית
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She was the double Sep 5, 2012

Verslanglais, it occurs to me that the mother was possibly the magician himself, acting as that "double in another dimension" as he lurched through a severe schizophrenic trip gone terribly wrong. Maybe this is how he does some of his tricks, from another dimension and in two places at once, so he can stand there and saw himself in two as everyone watches. Does the web happen to have any photos of him and his psychologist mother together?


Lori Cirefice
Lori Cirefice  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:29
מצרפתית לאנגלית
strange indeed Sep 5, 2012

Wow, that is certainly a strange story! It sounds like you are well on the road to putting this unfortunate experience behind you. So the moral of the story should be something like "working while in labor can be hazardous to your business"?

S Kelly
S Kelly
Local time: 20:29
חבר (2012)
מאיטלקית לאנגלית
+ ...
Words of support Sep 5, 2012

Lots of words of support. You sound very professional and it would seem the lack of ethics is something your client had no regard to. He frightened you into conceding, but I am sure now your two daughters are the most wonderful of people and privileged to have such a hard-working mother as you!xxxx Siobhan
I suspect the book is unlikely to be a success anyway; I sort of believe in karma. X

Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 21:29
מצרפתית לאנגלית
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Thanks for your reply, Lori Sep 5, 2012

Yeah, right? The part about me working while in labor might possibly be the strangest thing about this story. Up until now I have been "in the closet" about having become a mother at all on my professional network. However, now that I have childcare sorted, I suppose that I'll look back on such experiences and laugh.

At the very least I can say that I was dedicated to my business to the bitter end. My husband came home in a panic to whisk me off to the hospital and was shocked to s
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Yeah, right? The part about me working while in labor might possibly be the strangest thing about this story. Up until now I have been "in the closet" about having become a mother at all on my professional network. However, now that I have childcare sorted, I suppose that I'll look back on such experiences and laugh.

At the very least I can say that I was dedicated to my business to the bitter end. My husband came home in a panic to whisk me off to the hospital and was shocked to see me calmy sending "one last e-mail" before calling an ambulance.

Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 21:29
מצרפתית לאנגלית
+ ...
Oh, thank you so much, Siobhan! :-) Sep 5, 2012

Your words are so kind. Thank you very much.

[Edited at 2012-09-05 13:40 GMT]

Mark Nathan
Mark Nathan  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:29
חבר (2002)
מצרפתית לאנגלית
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Moral of the story? Sep 5, 2012

Get everything in writing when working with magicians?

Follow your instincts and do not translate texts unless you are entirely comfortable with the source (in all senses).

In any case, sorry that you lost out, and yes, I agree that you were treated unfairly.

Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 21:29
מצרפתית לאנגלית
+ ...
It's kind of like when children are afraid of clowns. Sep 5, 2012

I can't watch magic shows anymore without feeling ripped off.

Thank you for your support, everyone.

Woodstock (X)
Woodstock (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:29
מגרמנית לאנגלית
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Not a pleasant experience for you - Sep 5, 2012

I'm so sorry you were subjected to such degrading, unjust treatment. You seem to have weathered it ALL beautifully, thank goodness, and look back on it with a mature, healthy attitude: as a learning experience. I'm glad you posted your story here, because it really is good advice not to accept any work you are not 100% comfortable with. I'm sure that for experienced translators it is a useful reminder, and for less experienced ones a good lesson to learn before something similar happens to them.

Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 21:29
מצרפתית לאנגלית
+ ...
Thank you, Woodstock. Sep 5, 2012

Yes, I am fine, but I admit that I felt so peculiar about it all that it has taken me almost a year to get around to telling it.

I suppose that there were several exacerbating factors here, including the curious state of mind of a woman in labor, but to begin with, I was comfortable with the material. It all got weird once the translation was out there – I guess the planets were aligned against me.

Now, though, I shall certainly steer clear of professional manipulator
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Yes, I am fine, but I admit that I felt so peculiar about it all that it has taken me almost a year to get around to telling it.

I suppose that there were several exacerbating factors here, including the curious state of mind of a woman in labor, but to begin with, I was comfortable with the material. It all got weird once the translation was out there – I guess the planets were aligned against me.

Now, though, I shall certainly steer clear of professional manipulators whenever possible!

Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 21:29
מצרפתית לאנגלית
+ ...
That is a particularly scary thought. Sep 5, 2012

Mervyn Henderson wrote:

Verslanglais, it occurs to me that the mother was possibly the magician himself, acting as that "double in another dimension" as he lurched through a severe schizophrenic trip gone terribly wrong. Maybe this is how he does some of his tricks, from another dimension and in two places at once, so he can stand there and saw himself in two as everyone watches. Does the web happen to have any photos of him and his psychologist mother together?


Thanks for the lighter side!

Mailand  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:29
חבר (2009)
מאיטלקית לגרמנית
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Touching Sep 5, 2012

Dear colleague,
may sound strange, but my first reaction to your post was: how touching! "Touching" because I remember how vulnerable and at the same time "untouchable", out of the world one feels when in labour and soon after. I am 100% sure you´d not have refunded this incredibly uncredible client in any other moment, and I´m sorry about your experience (work- not familywise!).
It´s nice to know though, that proz.com provides a space where to air this kind of feelings, and I´m
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Dear colleague,
may sound strange, but my first reaction to your post was: how touching! "Touching" because I remember how vulnerable and at the same time "untouchable", out of the world one feels when in labour and soon after. I am 100% sure you´d not have refunded this incredibly uncredible client in any other moment, and I´m sorry about your experience (work- not familywise!).
It´s nice to know though, that proz.com provides a space where to air this kind of feelings, and I´m glad you are feeling comforted by your colleagues moral support - you have mine, too.
Good luck with your twins and for your life as a working mother.

Veronica Coquard
Veronica Coquard
Local time: 21:29
מצרפתית לאנגלית
+ ...
Many thanks Sep 5, 2012

Yes, it is an otherworldly feeling! It's nice to feel understood. Thank you so much.

Anna Villegas
Anna Villegas
Local time: 13:29
מאנגלית לספרדית
Sorry for you... Sep 5, 2012

...but, you say about it: "as the technique revolves around the use of words that appeal to the senses."

That's why they retranslated the book.

Now you are happy with your twins. Enjoy life and forget the past!

Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:29
מסינית לאנגלית
A master magician indeed... Sep 5, 2012

...to be able to magic all your hard work away like that! For what it's worth, you probably did the right thing - bad for your business, but good for your state of mind, as you needed to concentrate on your family. I hope you've enjoyed lots of time off with your little ones, and work back into it slowly. This year, as they're learning to walk and talk, is just magical. But it also helps if you can get away once in a while to do some work - my wife is the primary childcarer in our family, and ge... See more
...to be able to magic all your hard work away like that! For what it's worth, you probably did the right thing - bad for your business, but good for your state of mind, as you needed to concentrate on your family. I hope you've enjoyed lots of time off with your little ones, and work back into it slowly. This year, as they're learning to walk and talk, is just magical. But it also helps if you can get away once in a while to do some work - my wife is the primary childcarer in our family, and getting away from the kids for a couple of hours makes a world of difference to her.Collapse

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The strangest experience

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