The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

日本語 から 英語 一般/会話/挨拶/手紙 Translation Glossary

日本語 term 英語 translation
スピンナップファンド Spin-Up Fund
スケジュールこなし Toughing through (a chain of events...)
タップタップと揺れた (the gruel) shook and quivered
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
よそう let\'s avoid [doing something]
もってのほか out of the question, don't even think of it
もの資料 actual artifacts
やらされ感 (the feeling of) being forced to do something
全半壊された Totally or partially destroyed
前方の道路が優先道路である Vehicles in the road ahead (in front) have the right of way
「~様」 Not necessary
硬派ロック青年 hard rock kind of guy
穀彦 Takehiko
第2リベルダハイム Lieber daheim
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
算出するものとし、(AA以降これを適用する) shall be calculated, (shall apply after the date...)
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
精神的な余裕がなくなる mentally exhausted / mentally taxed
純正 pre-installed; 'standard'
約束事 convention, traditional way
Entered by: Shannon Morales
美しき20歳の素顔 The 20-year-old beauty, as she really is
Entered by: Henry Dotterer
真っ当な利益 decent profit
猪突猛进 rush headlong into
組織に横串を刺す cross-functional paradigm
疎開 long-term evacuation
産業行政 Industrial administration
Entered by: Tae Kim
無償割当て gratis allotment
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
無理がきく willing to go the extra mile
Entered by: casey
特許公開 Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication
独走に待ったをかける to call a halt to ...'s lead
狂乱相場の萌芽見えず No sign of bubble market
直会 ceremonial feast
相手の傷口をどんどん大きくしていき Continue to damage the opponent
Entered by: David Gibney
芝冶也 Shiba Haruya?
芳番族 aromatic series
銀行買取書類 negotiating documents / negotiation documents
遠張り do surveillance/keep watch/ observe from a distance
飲食店 Any and all eating or drinking establishments (i.e., includes bars)
飛び込み営業 door-to-door sales
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
駄目でもともと Nothing to lose
Entered by: Duncan Adam
認識の甘さ underestimation/naivety
Entered by: cinefil
認識を合わせる To achieve mutual understanding
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