Translator's ethics Part II
מפרסם התגובה: Natalia Millman
Natalia Millman
Natalia Millman
Local time: 06:56
מאנגלית לרוסית
+ ...
May 29, 2003

As some of you know I am doing the research in Translator's ethics but I decided to focus mostly on the practical application of ethics in today's translation. As a part of my research I have created a questionnaire and I would appreciate if you take five minutes to fill it in. It will contribute to my research.

Thanks, Natalia
1. Would you like to have an obligatory accreditation exam?
2. Do you think that nowadays there
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As some of you know I am doing the research in Translator's ethics but I decided to focus mostly on the practical application of ethics in today's translation. As a part of my research I have created a questionnaire and I would appreciate if you take five minutes to fill it in. It will contribute to my research.

Thanks, Natalia
1. Would you like to have an obligatory accreditation exam?
2. Do you think that nowadays there are more translators or professional translators?
3. Under which conditions do you refuse to do a translation job?
4. If a job clashes with your personal beliefs, would you do it?
5. Do you think it is important for a translator to have writing experience?
6. How do you respond when clients treat you badly?
7. Do you think that a job of a translator is that if a secret agent when he/she must keep the information about the job in secret?
8. Do you honour agreements you make· Always· Sometimes· Never
9. What strategy do you use to approach clients?
10. How easily do you share your experience with other translators?11. Do you think that translator’s newsgroups and forums abuse translator’s knowledge because you share too much?
12. What is your bad client experience, if any?
13. How happy are you to work with translation software( translation memories, machine translation software, glossary databases)?
14. Have you attended any courses of professional ethics, interpersonal skills and communication? Do you need to attend them?
15. Do you always play according to your client’s or they play according to yours?
16. How many times have your clients been late with payment?
17. Are you happy with how the clients treat you? If they treat you badly, do you think that it is your fault or theirs?
18. If you don’t like the client’s attitude to you will you still do the translation for him/her?

Igor Zabuta
Igor Zabuta
Local time: 08:56
מאנגלית לרוסית
+ ...
advice May 30, 2003

Dear Natalia,

if you need responses, rebuild your questions so that they could be aswered just "Yes" or "No", or offer choice (1=Always, 2=Never, 3=Prefer not to answer etc.), or smthing like that.
The questions you posted take too much time to answer, maybe pages of text... and the answers would take to much time to analize

Just an advice, no criticism meant.

Natalia Millman
Natalia Millman
Local time: 06:56
מאנגלית לרוסית
+ ...
Small improvement May 30, 2003

[quote]Igor Zabuta wrote:

Dear Natalia,

if you need responses, rebuild your questions so that they could be aswered just \"Yes\" or \"No\", or offer choice 1=Always, 2=Sometimes, 3=Never, 4=Prefer not to answer.


I always welcome criticism,
Please answer the following questions rating them according to the above scheme.

1. Does a translator have to be invisible when translating a text?
2. Do you think a translator must have more rights when translating a text (authorship and copyright)?

3. Do you think that present reality suppresses the active role of a translator as a mediator between cultures?
4. What is the most important?· To study Translation · To study cultural aspects· To study Linguistics

5. What do you support in translation “foreignisation” or “domestication”?

6. Do you agree or disagree with Venuti’s words: “ If a reader didn’t understand the text, it is a fault of a reader”? (please comment)
7. Would you like to have an obligatory accreditation exam?
8. Do you think that nowadays there are more translators or professional translators?
9. Did you ever conditions refused to do a translation job because it clashed with your personal principles?

10. Do you think it is important for a translator to have writing experience?
11. Have clients ever treated you badly?
12. Do you think that a job of a translator is that if a secret agent when he/she must keep the information about the job in secret?
13. Do you honour agreements you make?
14. Do you have a strategy to approach clients?
15. Do you share your experience with other translators?

16 Do you think that translator’s newsgroups and forums abuse translator’s knowledge because you share too much?

17. Are you happy to work with translation software( translation memories, machine translation software, glossary databases)?
18. Have you attended any courses of professional ethics, interpersonal skills and communication? Do you need to attend them?
19. Do you always play according to your client’s or they play according to yours?
20. How many times have your clients been late with payment?
21. Are you happy with how the clients treat you? If they treat you badly, do you think that it is your fault or theirs?
22. If you don’t like the client’s attitude to you will you still do the translation for him/her?

Oleg Osipov
Oleg Osipov  Identity Verified
הפדרציה הרוסית
Local time: 08:56
מאנגלית לרוסית
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Этика переводчика May 30, 2003

Кот просил четко сформулировать вышеизложенное по-русски, а то у него от английского в данном форуме сметана скисла...

Viktor Nikolaev
Viktor Nikolaev  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:56
מצרפתית לרוסית
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Этика переводчика May 30, 2003

Поддерживаю Кота двумя руками)тем более, что этот же вопросник Вы послали и в общий английский форум Translation Coop, а тусующиеся здесь, например, турецко-русские переводчики, возможно, по-английски не читают и, таким образом, проку Вам от них не будет.


Nikita Kobrin
Nikita Kobrin  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:56
חבר (2010)
מאנגלית לרוסית
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1 (один) ответ Jun 1, 2003

Natalia Kozenkova wrote:
6. Do you agree or disagree with Venuti’s words: “If a reader didn’t understand the text, it is a fault of a reader”? (please comment)

Не согласен. Особенно в данном случае: это вина Писателя, поместившего свой англоязычный опросник на русскоязычном форуме. Зато, согласен с предыдущими ораторами в том, что сие имеет непосредственное отношение к основной теме произведения Писателя - этике.

Nikita Kobrin

Igor Zabuta
Igor Zabuta
Local time: 08:56
מאנגלית לרוסית
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Answers Jun 2, 2003

Наташа, см. постинги выше. Вы ведь знаете русский, лучше по-русски пишите.

1. Does a translator have to be invisible when translating a text?
- not "have to", but rather "should"

2. Do you think a translator must have more rights when translating a text (authorship and copyright)?
- yes, the more the better

3. Do you think that present reality suppresses the activ
... See more
Наташа, см. постинги выше. Вы ведь знаете русский, лучше по-русски пишите.

1. Does a translator have to be invisible when translating a text?
- not "have to", but rather "should"

2. Do you think a translator must have more rights when translating a text (authorship and copyright)?
- yes, the more the better

3. Do you think that present reality suppresses the active role of a translator as a mediator between cultures?
- no

4.What is the most important?
· To study Translation
· To study cultural aspects
· To study Linguistics
- the 3rd

5. What do you support in translation “foreignisation” or “domestication”?
- depends on a client, “foreignisation”

6. Do you agree or disagree with Venuti’s words: “ If a reader didn’t understand the text, it is a fault of a reader”? (please comment)
- depends

7.Would you like to have an obligatory accreditation exam?
- no

8.Do you think that nowadays there are more translators or professional translators?
- translators

9.Did you ever conditions refused to do a translation job because it clashed with your personal principles?
- yes

10. Do you think it is important for a translator to have writing experience?
- it's a plus, not a must

11. Have clients ever treated you badly?
- no

12. Do you think that a job of a translator is that if a secret agent when he/she must keep the information about the job in secret?
- sort of

13. Do you honour agreements you make?
- yes

14. Do you have a strategy to approach clients?
- yes

15. Do you share your experience with other translators?
- yes

16. Do you think that translator’s newsgroups and forums abuse translator’s knowledge because you share too much?
- no

17. Are you happy to work with translation software( translation memories, machine translation software, glossary databases)?
- yes

18. Have you attended any courses of professional ethics, interpersonal skills and communication? Do you need to attend them?
- yes (both)

19. Do you always play according to your client’s or they play according to yours?
- not always

20. How many times have your clients been late with payment?
- about 50%

21. Are you happy with how the clients treat you? If they treat you badly, do you think that it is your fault or theirs?
- theirs

22. If you don’t like the client’s attitude to you will you still do the translation for him/her?
- with prepayment - yes

Tatiana Nefyodova
Tatiana Nefyodova  Identity Verified
הפדרציה הרוסית
Local time: 08:56
מאנגלית לרוסית
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Цитата из книги Jun 6, 2003

Надеюсь, цитировать не возбраняется
из книги "Мир перевода - 1" А.Чужакин, П.Палажченко, Москва, изд. "Р.Валент", 2002

Переводческая этика

Профессиональная этика занимает важное место в переводческой деятельности - ведь эт
... See more
Надеюсь, цитировать не возбраняется
из книги "Мир перевода - 1" А.Чужакин, П.Палажченко, Москва, изд. "Р.Валент", 2002

Переводческая этика

Профессиональная этика занимает важное место в переводческой деятельности - ведь эта профессия связана прежде всего с передачей информации, а не со сферой обслуживания, как считают некоторые. Следует чётко уяснить, что переводчик несёт пполную ответственность за адекватность сведений, проходящих через него. В наш технотронный век владение информацией часто является залогом успеха (или нейдачи), а её носитель имеет возможность использовать её в определённых целях, во вред или на пользу либо себе, либо какой-либо из сторон.

Правило №1 (основное): не разглашать информацию, обладателем которой становишься.
Правило №2: желательно установить доверительные отношения с теми, на кого работаешь.
Правило №3: необходимо соблюдать выдержку и хладнокровие даже в экстремальных обстоятельствах, быть всегда корректным, вежливым, аккуратно и к месту одетым, подтянутым и чётким, пунктуальным и предупредительным (как говорится, comme if faut).
Правило №4: по возможности не добавлять от себя (не выходить за рамки сказанного), воздерживаться от комментариев и выражения своей точки зрения, не опускать без нужды часть информации.
Правило №5: в случае необходимости пояснить особенности национального характера, менталитета, традиций и культуры, знакомые переводчику и неведомые вашему партнёру, с тем чтобы повысить кпд общения и достичь более полного взаимопонимания.
Правило №6: следует оказывать конкретную помощь, когда она требуется тем, кто недостаточно ориентируется в ситуации,в особенности за рубежом, даже вне рабочего времени и без дополнительной оплаты.
Правило №7: постоянно повышать квалификацию, профессиональное мастерство, расширять и углублять эрудицию в различных областях знания, специализируясь по возможности на одном направлении (право, финансы, экология и пр.)
Правило №8: щедро делиться знаниями и опытом с молодыми и начинающими переводчиками.
Правило №9: соблюдать корпоративную солидарность и профессиональную этику, повышать престиж профессии, не идти на демпинговую оплату своего труда.
Правило №10 (шутливое): случайно нарушив одно из правил, не попадаться!

О как!


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Translator's ethics Part II

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