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Books needing translation into Russian
מפרסם התגובה: Pyotr Patrushev
Pyotr Patrushev
Pyotr Patrushev
Local time: 20:33
מאנגלית לרוסית
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Oct 16, 2007

I was thinking that it might be a good idea to create an article in Wikipedia about books needing translation into Russian. I see the article in both Russian and English Wikipedia.

I would be curious to know if others think it might be a good idea with a view of possibly attracting translators, editors, publishers (and ultimately readers) to this list of books.

I have t
... See more
I was thinking that it might be a good idea to create an article in Wikipedia about books needing translation into Russian. I see the article in both Russian and English Wikipedia.

I would be curious to know if others think it might be a good idea with a view of possibly attracting translators, editors, publishers (and ultimately readers) to this list of books.

I have translated one book (Everyone Can Win www.conflict-resolve.org) that came out in Russian and even inspired some pirated editions. It is now available for free on the net. I had only received a token fee for the translation but I did it because I thought this book was particularly useful to Russian readers.

Below is my initial list:

1. The Revenge of Gaia: Earth's Climate Crisis and the Fate of Humanity by James Lovelock and Crispin Tickell (Paperback - Jun 30, 2007)

A revolutionary account of the true causes of global warming and ways to combat it. Goes beyond sustainable development and green politics. Since ideas of Lovelock are linked to the original theories of the Russian thinker Vernadsky, this book could be of particular interest to Russian readers.

2. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Hardcover)
by Jared Diamond (Author)

3. Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (Paperback)
by Jared M. Diamond (Author) "A suitable starting point from which to compare historical developments on the different continents is around 11,000 B.C..." (more)

Books by Jared Diamond provide a sophisticated and detailed analysis of how societies develop and fail. They could provide a broad canvas against which Russian readers can map the history – and future – of Russian society.

4. The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth by Edward O. Wilson (Hardcover - Sep 5, 2006)

All books by Edward O. Wilson (who was called “the new Darwin” by Tom Wolfe) could be of interest to Russian readers. But The Creation is unique in its persuasiveness as it attempts to bridge the gap between science and religion for the purpose of saving life on Earth. Wilson goes beyond the usual creationism vs. evolutionary science controversy using his literary skills and his own religious background.

5. The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History (Paperback)
by Howard Bloom

Another book with a broad, sweeping, and penetrating look at history of nations and ideologies. Bloom, although using an evolutionary approach, disputes the theory of "selfish gene" per se and emphasizes instead the delicate balance between forces of cooperation and destructiveness that drive cultures to either a higher synthesis or a decline. Eclectic but lively.

I would appreciate that you give both title and author and, if possible, a link (all my books came from amazon.com) and your brief reasons why you think book/s could be useful to Russian readers.

[Edited at 2007-10-17 06:55]

[Edited at 2007-10-17 09:00]

Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty  Identity Verified
הממלכה המאוחדת
Local time: 11:33
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Why not both ways? Oct 16, 2007

Interesting idea. There must surely be books in Russian which it might be profitable to translate into English, so why not include a section for those too?

Sabina Metcalf
Sabina Metcalf  Identity Verified
הממלכה המאוחדת
Local time: 11:33
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My list Oct 16, 2007

I was thinking about this only last night - what books I would personally love to translate if publishing houses weren't so tight on deadlines and remuneration.

In any case, the books I would like to see translated into Russian would be:

1. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

2. Any book by this year's Nobel Prize in Literature laureate Doris Lessing

3. Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi

4. Watching the English by Kate Fox... See more
I was thinking about this only last night - what books I would personally love to translate if publishing houses weren't so tight on deadlines and remuneration.

In any case, the books I would like to see translated into Russian would be:

1. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

2. Any book by this year's Nobel Prize in Literature laureate Doris Lessing

3. Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi

4. Watching the English by Kate Fox

5. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (only because it's iconic and awakening)

I also think it is a good idea to include "Guns, Germs and Steel" like you did. Sorry for not following your format though, no time for this.

[Edited at 2007-10-16 12:26]

Kirill Semenov
Kirill Semenov  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:33
חבר (2004)
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Guns, Germs and Steel Oct 16, 2007

As far as I know they created a TV series with this name at Discovery or Viasat channel. I suppose it's based upon the book. So a kind of Russian translation exists, even if in video format.

Pyotr Patrushev
Pyotr Patrushev
Local time: 20:33
מאנגלית לרוסית
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Definitely! Oct 17, 2007

Jack Doughty wrote:

Interesting idea. There must surely be books in Russian which it might be profitable to translate into English, so why not include a section for those too?

Any suggestions of Russian books to be translated into English will be welcome too!

Pyotr Patrushev
Pyotr Patrushev
Local time: 20:33
מאנגלית לרוסית
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Video sources need to be quoted as well. Oct 17, 2007

Kirill Semenov wrote:

As far as I know they created a TV series with this name at Discovery or Viasat channel. I suppose it's based upon the book. So a kind of Russian translation exists, even if in video format.

I was not aware of the video. Thanks!

Pyotr Patrushev
Pyotr Patrushev
Local time: 20:33
מאנגלית לרוסית
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God delusion Oct 17, 2007

Dawkins is always good. Wilson is more balanced but Dawkins lets it really rip and they need to hear this.

[Edited at 2007-10-17 09:04]

Pyotr Patrushev
Pyotr Patrushev
Local time: 20:33
מאנגלית לרוסית
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reasons Oct 17, 2007


It'd be great if could write a couple of sentences about each title explaining your reasons for choosing it.

[Edited at 2007-10-17 09:06]

Pyotr Patrushev
Pyotr Patrushev
Local time: 20:33
מאנגלית לרוסית
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SILENT SPRING Oct 17, 2007

I recall starting a series on environment and society with Radio Liberty in 1970, using Silent Spring as an inspiration. The management of RL at the time thought it was a silly idea and a fringe topic. How times have changed!!

Sabina Metcalf
Sabina Metcalf  Identity Verified
הממלכה המאוחדת
Local time: 11:33
מאנגלית לרוסית
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With pleasure, Pyotr Oct 17, 2007

1. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

Having browsed through a few bookshops in Russia during my last visit to the country, I noticed an obvious lack of non-fiction books that are ever so popular (it seems!) in Britain. One might say that Dawkins is a bit radical, but I do think that Russian readers might benefit from knowing his analytical approach, scientific basis of his research, and let's say 'a different perspective' on world religions.

2. Doris Lessing
... See more
1. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

Having browsed through a few bookshops in Russia during my last visit to the country, I noticed an obvious lack of non-fiction books that are ever so popular (it seems!) in Britain. One might say that Dawkins is a bit radical, but I do think that Russian readers might benefit from knowing his analytical approach, scientific basis of his research, and let's say 'a different perspective' on world religions.

2. Doris Lessing

Simply because her contribution to the world literature is tremendous and it seems inconceivable that only two of her works are in Russian.

3. Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi

It is about Nabokov, revolution, changes in political regime, dictatorship and human rights. Need I say more?

4. Watching the English by Kate Fox

Highly educational and inspiration intake on cultural and class differences in modern England. I believe it would be very useful to Russian businessmen, translators or anyone interested in cross-cultural communication.

5. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

As I mentioned earlier, the book is iconic and a wake-up call. Some of the information presented in the book is certainly out-of-date but it would be interesting for the Russian readership to know how the whole environmental hype-up has started in the West.

Please feel free to let me know if you disagree with any of my concepts - I love discussing books. As Joseph Addison once said: Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors.

[Edited at 2007-10-17 10:46]

[Edited at 2007-10-17 10:47]

Olga Dubeshka (X)
Olga Dubeshka (X)  Identity Verified
ארצות הברית
Local time: 06:33
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my 5 cents Oct 17, 2007

I had this thought many times... Books that are very interesting /or very inrofmative here in US are simply
either missing in Russia or are "lost in translation".

I am a pragmatic person though, so my pick is a "What to expect when you are expecting" - a bible for all moms-to-be.
Extremely informative, helpful and very thorough, it is also simple enough (in the form of Q and A) for anyone without medical background to navigate medical issues of pregnancy and birth (yeah
... See more
I had this thought many times... Books that are very interesting /or very inrofmative here in US are simply
either missing in Russia or are "lost in translation".

I am a pragmatic person though, so my pick is a "What to expect when you are expecting" - a bible for all moms-to-be.
Extremely informative, helpful and very thorough, it is also simple enough (in the form of Q and A) for anyone without medical background to navigate medical issues of pregnancy and birth (yeah, I can see men are very exited about it Gives you a very good idea of what is to come, identifies "old wives tales" and briefs you on the latest medical tests and procedure. I could not find it in my home country , although there probably is a host of other books.
TRied searching for it in Ru - no result.

Pyotr Patrushev
Pyotr Patrushev
Local time: 20:33
מאנגלית לרוסית
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Maternity books Oct 18, 2007

Olga Dubeshka wrote:

I had this thought many times... Books that are very interesting /or very inrofmative here in US are simply
either missing in Russia or are "lost in translation".

I am a pragmatic person though, so my pick is a "What to expect when you are expecting" - a bible for all moms-to-be.
Extremely informative, helpful and very thorough, it is also simple enough (in the form of Q and A) for anyone without medical background to navigate medical issues of pregnancy and birth (yeah, I can see men are very exited about it Gives you a very good idea of what is to come, identifies "old wives tales" and briefs you on the latest medical tests and procedure. I could not find it in my home country , although there probably is a host of other books.
TRied searching for it in Ru - no result.

Thanks Olga. There is a book by Kaz Cooke called Up the Duff. It is hilariously funny as well ( I am told) useful. Check it out. All books by Kaz Cooke are very funny and very creative. She is an Australian and lives in Sydney.

I notice we have no Russian entries or entries in Russian. Where I am right now I do not even have a Russian keyboard access!

Please some entries by Russian colleagues --- in Russian!!


Voloshka  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:33
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Вот эту книгу бы нам почитать: Oct 18, 2007

Lawrence E. Harrison "Underdevelopment is a State of Mind, Who Prospers?"
Здесь http://www.cato.ru/pubs.php?idcat=376 об авторе и о книге.

Вдохновлённый этой книгой Андрон Кончаловский снял документальный фильм "Культура - это судьба". На канале "Культура" в про
... See more
Lawrence E. Harrison "Underdevelopment is a State of Mind, Who Prospers?"
Здесь http://www.cato.ru/pubs.php?idcat=376 об авторе и о книге.

Вдохновлённый этой книгой Андрон Кончаловский снял документальный фильм "Культура - это судьба". На канале "Культура" в прошлом году показали. Но книгу
неплохо было бы почитать.

Кончаловский: "Говорят, характер - это судьба. Если взглянуть шире, то и характер народа - его судьба. Характер народа определяется его культурой. Какова культура нации, такова и ее судьба.
Обычно под словом культура подразумевают лишь слой художественной культуры, то есть искусства. Иногда прибавляют сюда и науку. Но культура включает и весь комплекс неписаных правил, законов, установок - систему ценностей, которой люди руководствуются в повседневной жизни. Ею определяется поведение и отдельного человека, и общества в целом.
Зададимся вопросом: "Не странно ли, что в стране Достоевского и Толстого, Чайковского и Рахманинова столь равнодушны к загаженным туалетам?" Пожалуй, противоречия тут нет. Высокая духовная культура - не помеха недостатку культуры бытовой. Духовные взлеты, так же как и бесконечные очереди, хаос и беспорядок в организации любого из видов труда есть следствия культуры русской.
В свое время на меня огромное впечатление произвела книга Лоуренса Харрисона "Кто процветает?". В ней ни слова о России, но она дает ключ к ее пониманию. Харрисон не побоялся заявить, что культуры не равноценны, одни - более открыты к развитию, другие - ему противятся. Одни - способствуют прогрессу наций, другие - тормозят его. Вслед за книгой Харрисона будем рассматривать культуру как ту основу, которая помогает понять пути развития нации, предвидеть, о какие камни она споткнется".

[Edited at 2007-10-18 13:37]

Pyotr Patrushev
Pyotr Patrushev
Local time: 20:33
מאנגלית לרוסית
+ ...
Great title! Just waht I was thinking about. Oct 19, 2007

Alena Chebanenko wrote:

Lawrence E. Harrison "Underdevelopment is a State of Mind, Who Prospers?"
Здесь http://www.cato.ru/pubs.php?idcat=376 об авторе и о книге.

Вдохновлённый этой книгой Андрон Кончаловский снял документальный фильм "Культура - это судьба". На канале "Культура" в прошлом году показали. Но книгу
неплохо было бы почитать.

Кончаловский: "Говорят, характер - это судьба. Если взглянуть шире, то и характер народа - его судьба. Характер народа определяется его культурой. Какова культура нации, такова и ее судьба.
Обычно под словом культура подразумевают лишь слой художественной культуры, то есть искусства. Иногда прибавляют сюда и науку. Но культура включает и весь комплекс неписаных правил, законов, установок - систему ценностей, которой люди руководствуются в повседневной жизни. Ею определяется поведение и отдельного человека, и общества в целом.
Зададимся вопросом: "Не странно ли, что в стране Достоевского и Толстого, Чайковского и Рахманинова столь равнодушны к загаженным туалетам?" Пожалуй, противоречия тут нет. Высокая духовная культура - не помеха недостатку культуры бытовой. Духовные взлеты, так же как и бесконечные очереди, хаос и беспорядок в организации любого из видов труда есть следствия культуры русской.
В свое время на меня огромное впечатление произвела книга Лоуренса Харрисона "Кто процветает?". В ней ни слова о России, но она дает ключ к ее пониманию. Харрисон не побоялся заявить, что культуры не равноценны, одни - более открыты к развитию, другие - ему противятся. Одни - способствуют прогрессу наций, другие - тормозят его. Вслед за книгой Харрисона будем рассматривать культуру как ту основу, которая помогает понять пути развития нации, предвидеть, о какие камни она споткнется".

[Edited at 2007-10-18 13:37]

Pyotr Patrushev
Pyotr Patrushev
Local time: 20:33
מאנגלית לרוסית
+ ...
Some comments from beyond proz on my idea of books for translation Oct 19, 2007

I have received this comment from Taiwan on my blog (http://pyotrpatrushev.blogspot.com/2007/10/books-needing-translation-into-russian.html), where I have also published the list:

Good idea, especially the Lovelock book.
... See more
I have received this comment from Taiwan on my blog (http://pyotrpatrushev.blogspot.com/2007/10/books-needing-translation-into-russian.html), where I have also published the list:

Good idea, especially the Lovelock book.
Daniel in Taiwan

There is also an interesting article "Lost in Translation" in the current issue of Newsweek re 2 new translations of War and Peace, with excerpts side by side:


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Books needing translation into Russian

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